beccarte Member


  • That usually means you are performing the motion incorrectly. It will be easier for someone to advise you if you mention specific exercises.
    in Shoulders Comment by beccarte June 2012
  • Also, I have found that it is helpful to commit to doing any small amount of exercise at least once daily. For example, it is difficult sometimes to find the motivation to go work out for an hour and a half, but if you tell yourself that you will be going for just a 20-minute walk, it becomes easier (for me). Most of the…
  • It comes down to toning your abdominal muscles and reducing your overall body fat percentage. You have probably heard that it is impossible to "spot reduce," meaning the only way to remove fat from one area of the body is to have a global reduction in body fat. Everyone's body prioritizes fat storage differently. If your…
  • Generally I have 3 chicken breasts for dinner and a scoop of whey protein after I lift. I make sure to take an extra scoop of the protein supplement if I don't eat any meat with my meals that day.
  • The pictures are encouraging, but the time-frames on some of them are what encourage me most. :)
  • Yeah, doubt I have many twins. Male Age 27 Height 6'8" HW:275 CW: 272 GW: 250