

  • Thank you Devonette!
  • Thanks! It is myself, my husband, and 5 year old. And of course, i'm the only one trying to lose weight lol. we use chicken often, too. I have purchased can chicken breast for tacos also. Thanks for the tips!
  • And of anyone else likes pizza like I do. . . . and if you like mushrooms I discovered a good alternative. Take a Portabella mushroom, put small amount of pizza sauce, lowfat mozerella, then top with onions, peppers whatever you prefer abd put it in the oven. So good!
  • Honestly. It's pizza. I don't crave it, but when it's there, it's like addicting I can never eat just 1. But a few days ago we ordered pizza and I had 1!!! I went to bed so I wouldnt eat anymore :) but I was pretty proud
  • I love English Muffins, you can get whole wheat, and do egg white and turkey sausage! Oatmeal with fruit, if you like oatmeal. I get the bags of frozen fruit from aldis, because they lost longer, I put them in my cherios too! And breakfast smoothies are good for ur drive. . . Orange juice and any fruit you like.
    in Breakfast Comment by Cwest88 May 2012