

  • A friend showed me her site the other night, and today was my second day donig bodyrock and i absolutely love it!!!!!!!! i feel the burn everywhere! its awesome! do you just do one of her workouts a day? or do u add cardio on the ellyptical or treadmill also?
  • Yesterday I went to the gym burned 400 calories, My goal for the day is 1250, but i ate 1450 because i had some leway from the gym loss. Today I only ate spaghetti because i was havign terrible cravings for it. I didnt get to go to the gym today. =( I work 3rd shift normally but the past 2 days have been picking shifts for…
  • I would love to join this! I bought a halloween costume and I dont want to try it on until I lost more weight! CW-147 140 by Halloween GW-135 1st goal-Go to the gym 5 out of 7 days 2nd goal- Log in everyday 3rd goal- Use free weights more 4th goal- Fit into my jeans comfortably
  • It is hard not to splurge on the weekends! YOu have to have one day of not thinking about it. The other day I ate mcdonalds, I got small fry, and a cheese burger n a diet coke, and it came to 550 calories, but i actually ate slow, and enjoyed it and it was worth it. You cant deprive yourself of stuff that you want. Did you…
  • I bought myself a sexy witch costume and am waiting to try it on until the last week before halloween, so this is PERFECT for me! SW(9-16-11) 149 lbs GW(10-31-11) 135 lbs "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny"