weekend sabotages

Really need to stop! I sabotage myself every weekend the last month or so and I end up working like crazy to make up for it before my next weigh in. Anyone else have this problem?


  • ayurcho
    It is hard not to splurge on the weekends! YOu have to have one day of not thinking about it. The other day I ate mcdonalds, I got small fry, and a cheese burger n a diet coke, and it came to 550 calories, but i actually ate slow, and enjoyed it and it was worth it. You cant deprive yourself of stuff that you want. Did you try eating smaller portions?? And how much do you sabotage on the weekend???
  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
    totally! I pack a great lunch all week for work, do my workout right after work so when I get home I have a healthy mindset so I eat a good supper but on weekends it falls apart!
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    Weekends are THE WORST for me. It's so easy during the week because I have the set routine - gym, work, school, bed. But weekends just throw me off and I have no self control at all. Stupid!
  • midwesthiker
    Me! My family loves having cook-outs, pizza nights, chips, adult beverages, etc EVERY weekend. My husband is at his goal weight and seems to forget that I have zero will-power for these things. I can not sit and watch him eat it! It drives me crazy. :grumble:
  • cherishfaithellis
    I do the same thing it is like as soon as I start to do good here comes the weekend. I swear that is what is keeping the weight on I have to stop the cycle
  • mysecretgrdn
    mysecretgrdn Posts: 3 Member
    I could not help myself! Went out with friends and had hot wings! I ate all 8 pieces! :blushing:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    Yes! I was just talking to my husband about it. My goal for this week is to NOT do this. So I took out my ski clothes - that I need to lose 10 lbs to fit into - hung them up and taped a note to the door to lose 15 lbs. *sigh*
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    alcohol always does me in on the weekends!!! Also, I usually eat too much haha. The past few weekends I've cut it down to one day of overdoing it and that has dramatically helped my weight loss.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    There's really no reason to "make up" for indulging. Your body needs higher calorie days every now and then to let it know that there is ample access to food. Consistently eating at a calorie deficit over a long period of time leads to plateaus at the body starts to prepare for starvation. Mixing it up with high calorie days goes a long way to prevent this. Lots and lots of people here have had incredible success while having one or even two higher calorie days every week.

    I took two days every week and didn't count calories. I was consistently losing 1-2 pounds per week until I got pregnant. I also ate all of my exercise calories and was frequently 100ish calories over my daily goal. And, I'm not counting calories now (meaning I give into my cravings when I need to and I constantly eat mostly healthy foods) and at almost 28 weeks into my pregnancy I haven't even gained 10 pounds.