

  • The 6 Pack Abs workout from Adrian James is great - it has full workouts for different levels of fitness (with instruction videos) and he looks like THIS... Always a bonus... :)
  • So I added 3lbs over 2 weeks (Reading Festival and holiday in Barcelona are to blame) - which actually wasn't as bad as I'd feared! I've knocked off 1lb since coming back and I'm hitting the gym 5 times this week including my first ever Body Pump class - scared! - so should be able to lose the other 2 by Sunday and get…
  • It's not the most interesting but I basically LIVE on soup and crackerbread in work. It's generally under 150 cals per can of soup and less than 60p (I'm also saving up a deposit for moving house so yep, diet AND money saving, yikes!). I'm now a soup expert and mixing them up has *so far* meant I don't get bored - Pea &…
  • Hey! I'm Adonia - 27 and working in London. My diet/gym madness about 10 weeks ago once I reached the depths of despair with my reflection...the weight had been creeping slowly on for 3/4 years (university, drinking, travelling and then an office job....recipe for disaster) and it was time to start realising I couldn't eat…
    in Intros Comment by adoniaw August 2012