

  • I agree with drinking tea or warm water with lemon. Sometimes I also chew gum which seems to help as well
  • I would love to join too! I used to have a big issue with binging.... I did so well for a while and now I have seen some of those behaviors come back and I don't want them to! I would love some support :)
  • It totally depends on your group of friends but I have had luck sometimes seltzer water when everyone is out drinking (especially if you are going to the bar to get drinks) and usually no one is any the wiser :) a little sneaky maybe but if they aren't going to support you, maybe that's what you have to do! Sorry they are…
  • I can imagine like you said that's bitter-sweet but it seems like you have learned what you need to do! It's great that you don't seem too discouraged! Just stick to it and you will be where you want to be sooner than later! And you will know that you did it 100% on your own and that is always a great feeling!
  • I gave up diet soda... I never had headaches from it but I do have to say that I feel better now that I have stopped. I sometimes have flavored sparkling water now or vitamin water to have something to switch it up from water... It was a lot easier to cut it out than I thought it would be though!
  • Sometimes it works for me to have a piece of fruity flavored gum or a cup of tea... I have to admit it doesn't always work though so I am listening in for everyone's ideas!
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