

  • Please don't feel discourage. You ate those four cookies and they were delicious right? Well do what I do. I don't have a tread mill or any of those types of machines so I do one of two things. I place my pedometer on my waist and go for a walk (10-30 mins.) but if its raining, snowing, or just too cold turn the stereo on…
  • Hi my Name is Candy. You want to know what my motivation to lose and continue losing weight? I WANT TO LIVE!! Yep, that has been my motivation. To make a long story short. I went to a Girly Appointment last January 2011 for a pre-op. They gave me an ECG and they found that I have a Left Bundle Branch Blockage in my heart…
  • I take a 30 to 40 minute walk and that gives me approx 150-175 calories that I can enjoy later. Have some tuna fish with a tsp of mayo and some mustard, mmm.....
  • MY blood pressure was similar to yours with it dipping more to your lower numbers. My heart rate was above 100 which is not good. Your heart rate should be between 60-100 please double check these numbers. I went to have a medical procedure done and when they did an EKG they noticed that I had a Left Bundle Branch Blockage…