

  • What part of Jax are you in? I'm in need of a workout buddy/ running partner! I'm over on Southside :)
  • I'm in the southside area! I run, but my workout buddy just bailed on me for her new bf :-/ I need a new workout buddy! I looked up the running group listed above, but I couldn't find any information on it. Is there a link to what times the group runs? Or if someone wants to meet to run I'm game!
  • I'm here in FL - Jax actually!! :)
  • Hi all!! I am new to the whole MFP thing but really need and want to get this last 40 lbs off!! SW: 176 GW: 135 I am super pumped and luckily hubby and I don't buy much junk food to keep in the house :) We are going grocery shopping after work tomorrow too, so we'll be getting healthy things!!
    in Intros! Comment by akdrlee123 May 2012