Papadragonb Member


  • I have found that denying myself what I want, leads to a problem in other ways (I tend to over-compensate by eating too much of something else). I too like penut butter, and if I have a craving, I eat me some, just keeping control on the amount I eat, and make sure that I am withing my daily calories. Every once i a while…
  • I started my journey about a month ago...My goal is to be 100 pounds lighter, and considerably healthier than when I started. I have found that this site and the support, and information I have found here, is immeasurable. All of us working toward the same goal, together, is an awesome thought. Hope to see you all around…
  • Welcome...this is a great to to help you on your journey! Good luck!
  • Thanks Jen, MFP has been great for me too. Being able to see the intake and raise my awareness of what I need and don't need, as well as which foods work better for me than others. And to visibly see my work toward my goal in pounds off on the has been a Godsend!
  • Shawn here, from Kaufman. I made the commitment to do this when I found out I am to be a Grandpa.