A new way of looking at weight loss.

I have started diets, and other "programs" before (more times than I would like to admit). I have had success with life changes in the recent past, as I will be smoke free 4 years on December 12th. But, I have battled my weight since I was about 10...I was the overweight kid that other kids made fun of etc. Please don't think I say that for the pity, it was a truth in my life, and I own that as part of the past that made me who I am today. A happy person(most of the time), husband to a wonderful woman (we just celebrated 19 years together), father of 5 AWESOME children, a grandfather of one, soon to be two glorious blessings.
This time I am not looking at this as another diet or program...I have begun a journey. This journey involves changes I make to become a healthier person. I have set a goal that isn't to be 2014's next top male model, just to get back to a weight that I felt my best. A weight where I was comfortable in my own skin. The plus also, is that I will be in much better shape when I hit that goal, than I was when I first reached that weight (going in the other direction on the scale).
Anyway, sorry for the book, looking forward to the journey, and maybe we will meet along the way... I will be happy to share the path.

My name is Shawn, by the way, and I am from Texas.


  • imthejenjen
    imthejenjen Posts: 265 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking! I need to. I know you can reach your weight loss goal with hard work and determination. You can do it! I just started my health kick 4 days ago and I'm feeling so much better already! MFP really helps keep me motivated and I love tracking my calories burned and calories eaten. :) Congrats on your grandbaby and soon to be grandbaby! That is awesome! :happy: :tongue:
  • Papadragonb
    Papadragonb Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks Jen,
    MFP has been great for me too. Being able to see the intake and raise my awareness of what I need and don't need, as well as which foods work better for me than others. And to visibly see my work toward my goal in pounds off on the scale...it has been a Godsend!