cwnicol Member


  • Official weigh in is 149.2
  • Down to 149 .4. Only 5 more lbs to goal!
  • 151.0.... UGH, only .6 lbs? I exercised 7 days, burned 3000 calories and lifted weights. Kept my net calories below 1200 daily. I guess the big picture is that I've lost 5 lbs in 11 days....Until next week!
  • 6 days! But I'm sooo tired & ripe for a binge. Action plan: Drink water, take a catnap, plan the meals for the rest of my day, and think about looking good in all the new clothes I just bought at the size I want!
  • Count me in! Starting weight on June 4th is 151.6 lbs.
  • Welcome aboard! Just know you're not alone and the first great thing you've done is recognizing that you may be a binge eater. Hey, you can't fix or control something if you don't even acknowledge what it is that you have to fix! Congrats! Your'e wonderful for coming to terms with it. Perhaps you could try focusing on just…
  • I wish I could help but I haven't really been able to stop myself mid-binge. I admire all of you who have been successful at it.... I wish I could. Only if other people are around, can I pull myself together, but if I go home to an empty house after having sweets at a party, watch out! I'm out of control. Desserts really…
  • With respect to what SM5246 said, I wonder how many of us were anorexic/bullemic at some point? As a teenager I was anorexic and then gained a lot of weight fast, and I see my binge eating as just the opposite extreme. IT seems like everything I do is "all or nothing". When I really want something, I'll work so hard to be…
  • Three days as of June 2nd!!! One meal/day at a time! Great job everyone!
  • Ditto christenwypy. I binge when I'm tired and anxious. My thoughts are consumed with chocolate! I can't wait for everybody to leave, or am trying to figure out a way to sneak some food without anybody seeing me. For instance, I'll make cookies for my sons, and eat almost all of them before my husband gets home. Then, I…
  • Hi, new to the group and first time on a message board. I find that I tend to binge (ever since I was a child) when I'm overly tired. One thing that has helped is going to bed at a regular time EVERY night. If I don't get enough sleep, then a vicious cycle begins... tired, no exercise, depression, guilt, binge, exhaustion…
    in My Tip!!! Comment by cwnicol June 2012