

  • You can add me if you wish. I am 32 years post op. I struggle at times with weight. On my way back down now for the 4th and final time. I too need inspiration and support. I am acutely aware that the GB is only a tool. I have used mine as a weapon off and on for years. Got to my original goal 3 times now. Trouble for me is…
  • I don't have any photos either. My surgeon does. He took a total of 8" off each arm. I had them done twice. there was no possible way that my arms would go back after so many times of gaining and losing. For others, it doesn't seem to be an issue. For me it was a lost cause. Cost was about $5500 and I would do it again in…
  • Mine is open and if it helps someone.. great. If not, I am doing it to be accountable but I don't mind others commenting on my choices. I am doing the Atkins program so it may look a little tilted to some. Jaqui
  • Holly; What did the nutritionist say? I noticed that you mentioned that you can eat anything. That may be the problem. I too can eat anything and when I do.. I pay for it on the scales. After 32 years I have figured every which way to circumvent that which was of the utmost importance to me on surgery day. Let us not lose…
  • Welcome. I am post op 32 years, soon to be 33. Sad that we do so well and think that we have it whipped and when we let our guard down, the pounds come racing back on. I have used this site in the past, and bypass is, its a tool. One that works if we work it. On the first of August I made a commitment of what I call the 4…
  • I am an advocate of the Atkins method. There is a part of me that is firmly convinced that not all of us have the same makeup. Just like some cars run on diesel, others are hybrid and others run on gasoline. For me, I am a hybrid. I can have carbs, but they have to be limited. Currently I consume 20-25 net carbs/. Or I try…
  • I am many years post op and I am so supportive of by pass. Is it a successful way to lose weight? Absolutely. Is it easy? No, not at all. Does it stay off? Nope. Its only a tool. This group looks like it may be a support group, which is what I need. I do log in daily to MFP but I need to communicate with another human…
  • That would be me. I am looking for a buddy that wants to lose some inches and weight.. Be a support factor. Is there anyone out there that is an old time gastric by pass survivor? Post please.. Would like to meet with a group of gastric by passers. jaqui
  • I am back too.. Do very well when I log my foods, but when I drop off, I want to drop out of site and eat in shame. This time I have decided to make an agreement with myself and put it out there. I call it the 4 Agreements. 1. I will log everything that goes into my mouth (MFP) 2. I will blog daily 3. I will check into the…
  • No. Not unless you can come up with some magic wand. Having gained and lost 100#+, 4 times.... Using mfp is the best thing to come along since massage and pedicures. The weight didn't get there overnight and it sure isn't going to come off over night. Its a process not an event. Everytime I have lost my weight in the past,…
  • It's not time wasted. It's tme learning what not to do again. I have walked miles in your shoes. 30+ years ago, I had gastric bypass. Lost 145# and gained it all back. Not only did I do it once, I managed to lose 100+# 3 more times, only to gain it back too. This time, I think that I have a handle on how to do it. I am…