Ladies - 160/170 trying to get to 130-ish



  • jhutka
    jhutka Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 165 want to get down to 140, I started at 185. Feel free to add :)
  • hobiesoccer
    hobiesoccer Posts: 1 Member
    A lot of what I do at the gym can be done at home. Planks make a HUGE difference and there are so manyu ways to vary it.
    Basic planks- lie face down place elbows directly under shoulders and support yourself with hands placed flat. Then tighten your core by pulling your bellybutton in and raise up on your toes making your body a "plank" parallel to the ground. Try to stay that way for 30 secs to begin with. If you can't do it all in one go, do it as long as you can take a few secs to rest then raise up and finish your 30 sec. Now, for the variations,
    reach out to touch the floor one arm at a time. Shoot for 15 each.
    from a plank position lift one foot move it out and touch to the side, then return to orininal position repeat on other side. Try for 15
    from a plank position raise up on right hand then up on left hand too, then back down to original position with right hand repeat with left
    in plank position rock gently back and forth
    on a hard floor, place a small dumbbell on a towel while in the plank reach up right hand grasp dumbbell and slide it in an arch to the side, slide it back and swich sides

    Thats 6 variations on one exercise that will hit most muscle groups in one version or another.

    Leg cranks- 15 squats, 15 split jumps, 15 lunges (on each side) 15 squat jumps (This will reallyyyyy tighten things up right from your waist to your toes!)

    Forward lunges alternating legs. Forward lunges do all reps on a side then switch, backward lunges, walking lunges...
  • brandalini
    brandalini Posts: 237 Member
    Sending you a friend request because I have the same goals!
  • Rex1612
    Rex1612 Posts: 13
    Hi ladies. I'm 5'4" and 160. I have never been 160 in my life! I seen a picture of myself and was in shock that it was me.
    I started walking my dogs every day for about 30-45 minutes with no progress, then I added in kickboxing for 30 minutes. I think all that did was get me used to sweating hard and get me motivated for more.

    6 days ago I started Insanity with my husband. It's hard work but I feel like I really accomplish something each day. I admit it's scary to think about the next day and what kind of workout I'm in for... but I like it and push hard anyway.

    I am following a nutrition plan that is no sugar and nothing processed. Chicken, fish, lots of vegetables and fruits.
    I haven't weighed myself in about 2 weeks because last time I did, it only frustrated me because it only moved about 3 lbs. I know it's not about that number but part of it is... for me any way.

    I'd love to have some friends, going through the same thing I am, for support and advise! I am so inspired by all of you!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member

    Thanks! It is a locked group now though so if you want added please contact:


    one of us will add you :)
    I have been a bit MIA but once I kick this cold and get my central air back up and running I will be around more...that combined with computer issues it hasn't been the most MFP friendly zone ;)
  • Julieash
    Julieash Posts: 95 Member
    I'd really like to join the group :) I'm 172lbs right now trying to get down to about 130lbs would make me happy but 125lbs would make me even more happy.. I'm only 5'1" :)
  • wisefish
    wisefish Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in. I'm 5'4 and am around 170-ish now. I am trying to get to 145.
  • peridot1383
    peridot1383 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm 159 looking to get down to 140-135 by my wedding next February. LOVE that there are so many of us with the same goals. Friend meeee! Oh and I'm 5'7" size 8-10 36D if anyone is looking for a twin match!
  • That would be me. I am looking for a buddy that wants to lose some inches and weight.. Be a support factor. Is there anyone out there that is an old time gastric by pass survivor?

    Post please.. Would like to meet with a group of gastric by passers.

  • harprsbzr
    harprsbzr Posts: 28 Member
    It's been awhile since anyone has posted here. This is right up my alley. Friend me if you want to take this on and support each other through-out our ups and downs. Physically and emotionally.
  • rafiki2013
    rafiki2013 Posts: 49 Member
    I fall into that group as well, I log daily and respond to friends daily. Feel free to add me. Been on MFP for about 11 months
  • hutchy90
    hutchy90 Posts: 67 Member
    I am 5'7" and weigh 165ish. I want to get below 150, and then adjust my goals from there.
    I'm pretty muscular and don't want to lose too many pounds. More so looking to shed BF%.

    Feel free to add me if you have similar goals!
  • bigcrystal123
    bigcrystal123 Posts: 246 Member
    im 5'0" and i weigh 173 right goal is to be at 120.been on this journey for almost a year if u wanna add me u guys can
  • micheles234
    micheles234 Posts: 73 Member
    I have the same goal. I'm 5'7, 2 kids and in my 30's. Anyone can add me, I love the support and I like to motivate others as well. I've done this a few times before and with the help of MFP I met my goals. Then I fall down again. I just restarted MFP after being MIA for several months and gaining several pounds back. Restarted couch25k as well, started at week 3 yesterday. Good luck with your goals!
  • I started back in May at 155 trying to get down to 135.... I fell off the wagon over the summer due to a hectic work schedule and just grabbing quick "fast" foods out of convenience. Started back up at 165.. Now down to 161.
  • marianapril
    marianapril Posts: 26 Member
    I want to lose 40 lbs. I'm 167 lbs right now.