

  • 3 months after i had my c-section i started going to the gym 2 times a week with a personal trainer and doing cardio 5 out of 7 days a week for at least and hour. 2 1/2 months and 4 lbs later i gave up. now my baby is 15 months old and i changed my diet and eating habits and began working (grooming dogs which is a…
  • there is an exercise labeled "Walking, carrying infant or 15-lb load" which is what i use for tracking when i am carrying my 9 month old.
  • this is exactly what i would suggest! - eating whole grains not only is better than just eating white rice/white bread/white pasta - but it is a filling food so you will feel full longer and not be starving. for example, if i eat 1/2 cup of quinoa (a grain kind of like brown rice) and an artichoke i feel full for about 3-4…
  • i just bought it and am starting it tomorrow im excited too! :)