

  • Hi, I have had consecutive binges over periods of one - two weeks, but I don't think it can really be classed as one long 'binge' as there are breaks in between for sleep etc. I think the reason behind consecutive binge days is that it always seems hardest not to binge the day after a binge, so it takes more willpower to…
  • I had my first binge of June yesterday :-( Cravings setting in big time today (they always do after a binge the day before) so I'm hoping I can resist the temptation to continue it. June so far: Me - 4 Binge - 1
  • Ask him to try to avoid wheat for a few days and see if he feels any better. Instead of bread, pasta, biscuits etc you eat rice and potatoes instead. All food packaging has allergens written on it so just check the label to see if if has wheat/gluten in (oats contain gluten but not wheat, so they may be ok). If that…
  • I have the same breakfast every day (560kcal), as having tried every different food combination and calorie allowance possible it is the only one that keeps me going through till lunch, and therefore resist food temptations. I have porridge made from 60g whole rolled oats, 40g ground almonds, half a teaspoon of cinnamon,…
  • Yes, you can. I often lose 2-3 lbs in the first few days of a new diet, so I think it must be bloating, water retention or something like that causing it. It usually settles into a more gradual pattern after that. There are a lot of calories in drinks though, I use a 30ml measuring cup for my milk in tea. Good luck
  • Thank you everyone, I really appreciate the support. I managed to stick to my diet plan yesterday, and had a minor slip up today when I started on some Cadburys Animal biscuits, but I *somehow* managed to persuade myself that having eaten one bag didn't mean I needed to eat the other five, so after giving my boys a bag…
  • Hiya, I've restarted the program from week 1 today, and even during my first workout I started to feel the familiar twinges in my hamstrings that I felt the first time round! I did week 1 and week 2 about 4-5 times a week throughout May, apart from the last week as I had the flu, and I would personally say that week 1 is…
  • Starting today, measurements: 140.2lb bust 35 inches waist 26.5 inches around love handles 34 inches around bum 39 inches My waist is naturally small, but my bottom half is huge in comparison, really hoping to even things up a bit. Good luck anyone else starting for June...
  • If you start a new thread for June I'll join the challenge, I really need the motivation :smile:
  • Hello everyone I am a 25 year old mother of three young boys (3, 5 and 6), and hoping to shift about a stone over the next 6 weeks using this DVD and a healthy eating plan. I have been following Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 DVD (irregularly) throughout May, but having just had a week off due to illness (children give you…