cleefelty Member


  • I ♥ my Omron HJ-112 Pocket Pedometer! I am back to wearing it daily after not using it since April. It really helped me. I recently returned to work and the only con with the Omron HJ-112 was that it is a bit on the bulky side when wearing professional clothing, so I got questions about it being a medical device. I am…
  • I wore the Omron HJ-112 Pocket Pedometer for about 8 months and still love it! It is basic, no worrying about syncing, losing it, etc. I found it to be very helpful. I purchased mine on Really a great product!!!
  • I began jogging in November and found the book RUN YOUR BUTT OFF to be helpful. (I borrowed from library) I did not try Couch to 5K, but was told this is somewhat similar in that it has stages vs. weeks. I stay in my Stage until *I* feel ready to progress, versus when told to. I also committed to 8 week timeframes of 150…
  • I have used my trusty Omron HJ-112 Digital Pocket Pedometer all day, almost everyday since May and a Polar FT4F Heart Rate Monitor Watch when working out since September. I know the pedometer isn't considered the most chic of fitness trackers, but I really do *love* it, though I wish it were a bit smaller. I don't have to…
  • I'm about at the same place you are in weight loss, but here's a few things that I believe have been working for me: I bought a food scale which has been great at figuring out food portions. This really helped accurately record what I was eating, seriously a *great* purchase. I weigh myself daily, and only log it if it…
  • My top weapon so far would have to be my food scale. I weigh EVERYTHING. It actually was quite liberating to measure out a serving size, accurately, and sit and mindlessly enjoy it! I've learned portions, so I'm not completely dependent on it anymore when I go out. I also wear a pedometer. It is a subtle reminder to take…
  • Congrats! I've just started tracking my daily steps and have only broke 10,000 once. It's so motivating to try and hit that goal throughout the day.
  • I didn't make my goal this week, which seemed like it would be a lot easier than it turned out to be. I'll be trying harder in the next few weeks to meet the 31 miles for the month. But...the upside is I started moving! ★ Congrats to all of you who did so great this past week - you're an inspiration! ★
  • Week 1 Goal = Walking 10 miles
  • My aim is just to start doing something...anything! I want to get out and start walking, with the goal of perhaps getting on the C25K program someday. I'd also like to bike more in place of the car for running errands where I can. Thanks for the coordinating the challenge!