

  • I've been dealing with lifestyle change for the last 6 years. I've been on and off weight watchers, and now MFP. It's generally the fall-of-the-wagon moments that cause me to entirely give up and go nuts for 6 months. But I've learned along the way that it's a process. Whenever I fall, I fall for less time now than I did…
  • I also sprinkle flax seeds in my oatmeal or over salad or in my morning smoothie for extra fiber and the good omega-3s. I like the hint of nutty taste. Any green veggies, apples (with skin), quinoa, brown rice, bran, oatmeal... if you eat fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains, you should get enough fiber!
  • I've pretty much decided I won't weigh myself during my PMS, due entirely to water weight and bloating. It makes me feel bad, but it doesn't reflect on my real progress. Our bodies fluctuate naturally. Maybe you ate some sodium, maybe it's that time of month, maybe anything. So long as the overall trend is down, you're…
  • Count me in! I've always used food as an emotional crutch. I gained 20 emotional-eater pounds over the last year and it started with my husband's layoff. Then, once that was under control, I got hit with health issues. And then, when work got ridiculously stressful... you know the story. And here I am, trying to take back…
  • Oh yeah. I've done Weight Watchers 4 times. Last year, I actually hit goal and felt fit and fabulous... until my husband lost his job and I went into an emotional dark place (for that, and other reasons). He's employed now and I'm working through the other stuff, but I never regained my momentum... I just regained 20…
  • You are doing GREAT! Always remember - maintaining is better than gaining. And these are habits you want for a lifetime, so stick with them now when it's hard and they'll be easy when you break through. Question - are you doing any weight lifting or toning? You said you're doing a lot of cardio, but weights (or 30 Day…
  • I just joined MFP, which means I'm admitting I can't have that after work beer anymore. Boo. But I refuse to give up my beer and wine entirely, and your jack and diet sounds pretty good as a drink option! I just workout and save some drinking calories for the weekend. They're worth it. We need treats. This is a lifestyle,…
  • I wonder if it's also the type of carbs you're choosing? When I eat processed carbs (sugar, ANY store-bought packaged bread, pasta, etc), I gain weight. When I choose complex carbs (quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal - not instant) it helps keep me full, satisfied, and on track for weight loss. Especially if you're working out a…
  • Hi everyone - I'm new to MFP and I love the idea and accountability of this challenge! Hopefully you don't mind if I jump in a week late. My goal is to lose 12 pounds by August 31. My weight in is tonight, but I'm somewhere around 162. I'm aiming for 150 by the end of summer! My goals this week are to: -track every bite…