

  • I have a beautiful white mini dress hanging on my bedroom wall for inspiration.
  • Height - 5'4 Age - 23 Gender - Female Highest Weight - 334 lbs (Last month). Lowest Weight - 250 lbs as an adult, 190 lbs as a teenager Current Weight - 327 lbs Goal Weight - 160 lbs
  • Well, in my opinion, if you want the tattoos, get them. Just because some people are insecure about their ink, doesn't mean everyone should be. I work in a business environment, and I cover my tattoos when I need to. It can be done. You can be classy, and beautiful, and still covered in tattoos. If you regret your tattoos…
  • I've thought about this too, and for me, once i make my final goal, I am going to get my start date in roman numerals. The day i decided to change my life is one of the most important things to me.
  • Thats great! I loved soda but I didn't love how it made me feel. After not drinking it for a while I began to miss it. But I realized that I just missed the bite, not the actual taste. So I made the switch to Polar seltzer water and never looked back. I still drink mainly plain water, because I love it, but if I want the…
  • I am a cheese lover too. I usually just have a little each day. I love the mini babybel cheeses. 1 serving is 70 cals, and they are a great snack. Individually wrapped in wax so you dont have to measure.
  • I have a Polar FT60. I love it. It tells me my heart rate, calories burned and the percentage of those calories that were from fat. It has target zones, and all that good stuff. Well worth the price paid. Also the battery is user replaceable in the transmitter on the chest strap as well as the watch. Also, if you get the…
  • Hi! I always love new friends!
  • Welcome back! I am on my umpteenth time trying to lose weight. I am also an emotional eater and have crazy cycles. I'm not trying to get pregnant now but I would like to have a baby at some point and in order to do that I absolutely have to lose weight. I also would like to be able to have visible muscles for the first…
  • I second this! I got a Polar FT60 heart rate monitor because I am a bit numbers obsessed and it has helped better gauge what I am really burning.
  • That's actually a great quote! :drinker: I always need some reminding. I've been good at not overeating or snacking on stuff in moderation. The difference with an actual meal is that I have eyes-bigger-than-my-stomach syndrome. It'll take some getting used to but hopefully people around the office will start to respect my…
  • Exactly this. Sometimes people are trying to be nice but don't realize that the seniority can put pressure on you even if they don't mean it. I don't like when people try to force things on me, especially regarding food. I try to keep temptation as far as possible at this point, because in the beginning it is not always…
  • I do and have always brought my lunch. I work around a lot of restaurants, and in order to save money/calories I always bag my lunch. It sucks to be the odd one out, but I suppose it is a learning experience. Can't always expect people to respect your choices.
  • Thanks everyone for your wonderful responses. To be clear, I was not trying to be melodramatic. I am in the first stages of trying to lose weight again, and things like this have completely thrown me off course in the past. It is a lot harder to "Just say no" to someone who is your boss, and does not take no for an answer,…
  • I am 23 and I still haven't gotten my license. I live in Boston and the way people drive here scare me into panic attacks sometimes. It sucks.
  • I do. I have to be to work at 9am, and my commute takes around an hour and a half, so I need to be out of the house by 7:30. In order to get in my morning workout I wake up at 5:45 at the latest. Sometimes I dilly dally, but I get up. No snooze. I make myself get out of bed by doing morning affirmations, (Every cell in my…
  • I absolutely love christina's voice, but I agree that during the show her attitude and personality was a little too over the top and aggressive throughout the season.
  • Some people bump so that the thread is more active and bring it back up on the boards, and some people bump so they can come back to a thread they found interesting but didnt have time to read for whatever reason
  • I read about 3 or 4 books a week, and I just HAVE to finish to see if there's a big twist at the end or something. I used to not be able to read very much because its hard to get to a library for me, and I cant afford to buy books all the time. But now I have a ton of books on my computer, and just recently got a Nook, so…
  • I felt the same way too once I got on the elliptical machine for the first time. After five minutes I was panting so hard I thought I would pass out. So after a few days of being discouraged, I went back to the gym and got on the stationary bike. This was something I could do, I could do it for an hour. And once I feel I…
  • Don't listen to this advice, you should not eat under 1200 calories. 500 calories is nowhere near healthy.
  • You are not alone!
  • Thanks for all the info, great read!
  • I had this problem too, and for me to combat it i was suggested that an hour before bedtime, eat a small snack that will keep your blood sugar stable. Ideas include apples, peaches, grapes, yogurt, popcorn or one-half cup of cottage cheese. It really helped me.
  • Anything from Britney spears' new album does it for me. And daft punk, kesha, katy perry, cascada, and avril lavigne
  • Just now finishing up getting some awesome songs! These were all fantastic suggestions. and to the guy who suggested Dubstep, I heard a lot about it but never really gave any a listen until last night, and now I'm addicted! Talk about face-melting music lol
  • Ditto on the Horse!
    in Tangled Comment by LuckySe7en April 2011
  • So do I, I love how it can make my heart race just by listening to it. Sometimes I feel like I can burn calories just by the restraint I have to use on myself not to get up and dance like a crazy person in public when something good comes on
  • I have netflix, I haven't done any of the workouts yet but I was pretty interested in the Pick Your Level: Weight Loss Pilates video