fitter52 Member


  • Your philosophy is a great goal to strive for. I feel healthiest when I eat natural foods, such as a big pot of vegetable soup, grilled vegetables, or stir fries. I don't buy organic most of the time but I do eat lots of vegetables, whole grains, and a variety of meat, poultry, and fish. I think a hearty home-style whole…
  • That is what I understand from an exercise physiologist. If you eat the calories just before you use them, you can access the energy quicker than stored fat. It helps increase your metabolism which helps you burn more calories. So it was recommended that I eat a small breakfast, large lunch, medium dinner, and only 300-400…
  • "Offended" isn't how I feel ... Shake my head and think it is dangerous and not well thought out as far as the consequences, yes. I certainly wouldn't want my teen daughters to think it is normal or appropriate to post a photo of themselves in their underwear anywhere on the Internet now or when they are adults.
  • I agree with you. Pictures posted on the Internet live forever and can find themselves resurfacing in strange places. Would you want a future potential employer seeing that you posted a photo of yourself in your underwear on the Internet? ... Or a college admissions officer? Do you want to put yourself out there for online…
  • I had trouble losing weight no matter what I did. So I went to an exercise physiologist/nutritionist to be evaluated. My BMR was 1800 but I was doing weight watchers at 18 points (900 calories plus raw veggies at the time). I increased my calories and matched the time of day I USE the calories. I changed my exercise to…
  • Hi, I'm new and I'm 5'2". I've been an avid exerciser for years but took a hiatus because of a hip problem but now I really want to get back to a regular schedule of healthy eating and exercising, gently building up my endurance again. I really need support to keep me on track! And I will give support back. Thanks, Fitter52
  • I just signed up for My Fitness Pal and would like friends, too. I send you a request. I keep slipping up and down in my weight loss goals. It is hard to keep restarting. But it is better to keep trying than to give up. Fitter52