

  • Okay I need to vent a bit more about my slow weight loss since Aerdrea said we could post anytime about anything. When I weighed myself and only lost 1/2 pound, I was so very frustrated (as you all know).:grumble: That night I made myself a brownie, topped it with chocolate ice cream, and chocolate syrup. I took one bite…
  • Welcome! I am sorry that you have to deal with such "snooty booty" neighbors. Remember that we are here to support you-so turn to us when you get frustrated and not food. We will all end up dealing with frustrations in our life, we just need to learn better ways to deal with it. Together we will all accomplish our goals.…
  • Welcome Bettame....we are here to support each other! I weighed myself this morning and only lost 1/2 pound. I was discouraged since I have been eating healthy and exercising everyday. Since it was my first week, I thought I would loos at least 2 pounds...oh well! I am wondering though, does anyone know what I could do to…
  • Thank you! My week is a bit off because I weigh myself every Tuesday morning, so I am actually at the end of my week. I will let you all know tomorrow how I did. I wish everyone well this week. Becky
  • Hi Aerdrea, I am up for the challenge! Some friends and I are doing our own 8 week biggest loser challenge and we weigh in every Tuesday night at the same person's house since she has a fancy scale. I hope they join MFP soon as it is great. With that being said, if I can post my weight each Tuesday night for the summer on…
  • Hey Girls, Can I join this group? I joined MFP a few days ago and I love it. The only issue that I was having was that I needed to loose so much weight and felt like other people did not understand. While everyone here has been so nice, I needed support from people who were in the same situation as I am and could really…
  • Hey, Well know that we are here to support you. I too am new to this site-just joined yesterday. I have 120 lbs. to loose and I am determined to do it this time. We can help each other out! Good Luck and try to stay positive. I have set smaller goals for myself so that the amount that I need to loose does not seem too…
  • Hello- My name is Becky and I am here to loose A LOT of weight and to be healthy. I joined this site as a recommendation from a friend who is on this journey with me. So far, I have been impressed with everyone's kindness and encouragement towards others. This will help me to stay motivated! I wish everyone great success…