

  • YES! When I first started on this site some years back I was trying to cut about 20lbs. I closely monitored my intake and results were slow. Once I cut way back on carbs at the same caloric intake fat melted off. Now im back trying to cut about 5lbs or so that ive gained and im carb cycling. I dont know about those…
  • I'm not as tall but I have about 5-7 pounds I'd like to loose. Im 5'8 and 143. I'd like to just lower my bf% and I think the only way I can break below 20% is by cutting for awhile and more precisely track my foods.. But I would definitely recommend you lift weights!
  • YES YES YES! It might slow your weight loss down by a bit but lifting weights will make you LOOK so much better as you loose. Just make sure you dont stress too much on the scale, take measurements! This time last year I was a skinny fat 137 (im 5'8 large frame) I looked very thin but I was soft. Now Im 143 lower bf% and I…
  • I find that going and praying isha and a few rakas of taraweh really help me stay focus on the purpose of ramadan, and when I come home im usually very tired.. I do love my giant family gatherings and all that food but like you said gorging seems like it defeats the purpose..
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