beaudrydasha Member


  • 1 slice Angelic sprouted wheat toast with Bummel and Brown spread and a cup of strawberries, mug of green tea
  • I've had similar surgery to watchillgirl. I lost a lot of upper body strength and arm/shoulder motility after the surgery. It's been 6.5 years now and I can finally follow my kids across the monkey bars and even got up to two pull-ups at the gym. I started with just a dead hang, which was a great stretch, and built up with…
  • I always keep breakfast under 100 cal. My usual breakfasts are : a banana and hot green tea, Bob's Red Mill multi grain cereal ( I cook it with some raisins in it to give it a sweet flavor), one slice of Roman Meal wheat toast with Bummel and Brown spread and 1/2 apple, one natural valley peanut butter granola bar. I…
  • Of course there's always a healthy range. I am 5'5" (and probably another 1/2) and am at 125. That's a good weight for me, I feel great, it isn't that hard to maintain. I could tone down to 120. My regular doctor is my oncologist. He has been tracking my weight loss closely and says that I am fine, losing a few more pounds…
  • You are an inspiration! Never give up! You look fantastic!
  • That's fabulous. Chicken Little as the corner nutjob, I LOVE this.
  • You lost me at #1...But seriously, thank you for the tips. These are all great guidelines and I'm going to look at the Gazelle Glider tonight, thank you. As for pasta, the highest fiber is in normal looking and tasting Dreamfields pasta in the black box in most supermarkets. ( My nine year old needs high fiber and her IG…
  • Champagne!
  • squeeze lemon over salmon, lightly brush with butter then sprinkle with Old Bay - do this to both sides. Put in a baking dish under the broiler.
  • Where's Steak and Shake? That sounds great. (me after my LC dinner...)
  • That's great to know another guilt free menu item. I eat out a lot at lunch, at Mexican restaurants I get the caldo de pollo, thai restaurants some kind of non-coconut milk soup (lemongrass and straw mushroom usually), everywhere else it's the fish. It hasn't been terrible, I think I like the atmosphere and the no dishes…
  • Moscato is often the lowest calorie wine. Some have only 4% alcohol. If you like a drier white some of the Rhine Rieslings fall under 8% (less alcohol, fewer calories). I haven't found a red I like yet. There are some Lambrusco-types (Stella Rossa, etc.) that are sweet and spritzy but I'm looking for the low calorie meaty…
  • I put off "dieting" for a few years b/c I thought a chemo-changed metabolism would make it impossible. After chemo and a hysterectomy (?) and without hormore repacement I rapidly put on 45 pounds and it just seemed to keep creeping up. ALL I did was to follow MFP's calorie guidlines, for me that included keeping my daily…
  • I thought that comment would go under the dog photo who liked biscuits. Sorry!
  • The doggy type?
  • I drink copious amounts of green tea, hot and cold. The "scientific studies" I've read say that it by itself will yield one or two pounds of weight loss a year. Not much but it goes in the right direction. I mix matcha powder in with hot or cold water, sometimes experiment with Korean "bori chai" green tea. Jasmine green…