rochelleac8 Member


  • I have been prescribed Wellbutrin which you mentioned being on anything OTHER than that. I don't know if Abilify is an Anti-depressant or just a mood stabilizer. And i'm also taking Klonopin for anxiety ( 25 i'm a mess...) And so far my weight loss has been quick. but now i'm at my usual "plateau" weight and I'm…
  • i don't know that i have a suggestion as more of an 'issue' that is similar to this woman's. I calorie count ALL day long and then work out in the evenings. So some nights (especially Mondays) I may be RIGHT at my mark for cals and then hit the gym for a quick run, and then teach my ballet/jazz classes and I've suddenly…
  • i agree to take it slow and go at your own pace. Especially with a previous back injury. I go the gym Friday-Sunday for an hour work out and I always ENGAGE my abs in whatever i'm doing, but I usually alternate between arms, guts, and butts. (so one per day) added to my cardio. Mondays and thursdays i go to the gym just…
  • My sister and I work out (long distance..she's in AK) five days a week. Mondays I do: 10min on elliptical level 8 at 5-6mph; and 10 on treadmill at a level 3 incline at 3.5-4.2mph then I teach 35 mins of Jazz and 35 mins of ballet technique to intermediate dancers Tues/Weds we have off. Thursday I do: 30 mins on the…
  • Thank you! I've invited her to join this site so hopefully she will! we shall see! She's got 3 munchkins that keep her pretty busy so a moment on the computer is a blessing!!
  • HI! Those are my two EXACT downfalls. ESPECIALLY ice cream. I like to have some PB on a butter-flavored rice cake...or cinnamon flavored soynut butter its pretty tasty!