

  • mini goals are good. I went on the Dr. Oz website and got the "just 10" bracelet, to remind myself to lose 10 pounds is good for our body also. It is not as overwhelming either. I don't talk to people outside of this site or th e transformation.com website. Not a big "talk about self problems" person. The websites are nice…
  • You need to just do it. I am like that also, say I'll start Monday, get busy, forget, then don't have time til I can read or set goals again and in the end, ya just gotta start. We all know the "rules" and we know what we are supposed to do, and we just have to decide right now-- I am gonna do it. If in 15 minutes (or…
  • good for you, me too! When I go for my walks and I start thinking of problems to solve (or try!) I am trying to make myself do positive thinking instead and imagine myself, at goal weight, trying to get that mental picture to stick in my head. I kinda lack confidence, tried things many times, but this time just seems…
  • good for you girl! That is awesome! I started transformation Sept 1, have not lost alot, but have made very good healthy changes, and will keep making adjustments. Slow but sure is good for me, but do need to see progress. Joined this site to keep track of calories better. Julie
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