Petefry1 Member


  • I'm a regular and active member. 800 day streak today. Open diary, although I don't always finish logging each day. I run 3-4 times a week, just PBed the City2Surf 2 weeks ago and the Sydney Tower Run Up yesterday. Now concentrating on the Blackmores half in 4 weeks yesterday. Live in the Hills District of Sydney. Will…
  • FR sent. And a few others as well. Anyone want to throw one my way, feel free!
  • Hey Phoenixgirl. Congrats - what a great effort for your first time and from that start group! Yes give Blue a go next year but it also has quite a few walkers (or did for my first C2S in 1999). But from Blue hopefully your run will be clear enough to get down to sub 100 mins and qualify for Green which is all runners. As…
  • Running is fun when you're fit for whatever level of running your aiming for. Getting fit to run sucks, especially if you've lost the running fitness, know what you can do, and are trying to get back there. You'll find running more fun by running with friends - especially similar paced friends so you can push each other,…
  • Thanks Phoenixgirl81 - good luck to you too! Yep big day tomorrow. 9.30pm and not long until go to bed for a good night's post race sleep. Does look like perfect weather for it. It's a fantastic event - 85,000 people in the world's biggest fun run. It is tough though and Heartbreak is long, but the accomplishment of…
  • Hi Pix. Yep have signed up and my bib arrived in the post today. I'm lining up in the red group for sub 70 runners. This will be my 12th, and my profile pic is during my PB last year - was amazed to beat my PB from 2005 by 2 mins! I do a couple of 8kmish lunch runs around the city from work, and sometimes a similar…
  • Another Sydneysider. Will send you a FR.
  • Like a lot of people I also weigh in in the morning after toilet and before shower, in the nude. I record my weight, body fat % and waist measurement only every Friday, but I step on the scales every morning to see how I'm tracking. I read once that people who weigh daily are more likely to maintain a weight loss.
  • Marc thanks so much for this explanation mate. Makes it all much clearer. I have spent my bus ride to work working out my BMR and used the Harris Benedict Formula to work out my cals. Setting a deficit of 750 for just over a half kilo a week loss gets me to 1788. Readjusted my MFP settings in line with the HBF and got a…
  • What a story! Fantastic work getting back to this stage. All the best with the half and the TM!
  • Done mate! I'm from Sydney, Oz.
  • I don't believe in eating back ex. If I did I know I'd gain. Ex cals to me are a bonus and I try not to go over my normal cals. However of I've had a good day or even week, I'm not fussed about going over occasionally.
  • I also recommend the FB. I only use it to track sleep otherwise everything on MFP. Except I do delete MFP runs and manually add them back on to FB as MFP does not track distance so your steps are out in FB. It is an amazing motivator to keep moving for steps and climbing hills/steps for floors!
  • Sydney boy. Using FB and MFP. Lost 9kgs since Jan, 6 pre MFP. 5 more to goal. Always happy for more friends- feel free to add me.
  • Good luck for this year. As extra motivation do you know that if you post a sub 70 minute C2S you qualify for the red group next year. I'm in green this year and hoping for sub 70. I do my long training at home Sun morning so can't join you on afraid.
  • That is funny. My work paid for our entries this year. I organised work singlets last year - think we're using the same this year. But the mention of a corporate marquee at the end was too much for them! Had a bad week - my first weekday lunch run was today, but will hopefully train both days on weekend, including up to…
  • Hi everyone. Haven't seen this thread before. Been on fitbit since last Nov. have nearly 4m steps and 15k floors on it. Lost 8kgs since jan. 5 and a bit to go to goal. Joined MFP about a month to go for extra motivation for the last bit. Lost a couple more since then. In Sydney's Hills District and work in the city.…
  • You've already nearly run 12ks so only another 2 to go. Even if you walked up Heartbreak Hill ( which finishes at 7ks) then took each of the subsequent hills as they came. It's a great event which I'm sure you'll really enjoy however you get to Bondi!
  • First thing in the morning. I weigh in and record it every Sunday morning, but hop on the scales to check progress every day - great to see the effect of a bad day and motivate to get back on track, and also works after a good day as motivation to keep going.
  • I didn't know there was one in Perth and was talking about the Sydney one. Good luck with the Perth one. If this is your first then to walk run it is a good idea. They're fantastic events with an amazing atmosphere. My work colleagues are catching up for lunch afterwards and hopefully our families will come in as well, so…
  • The Hills too, and work in the city.
    in Sydney Comment by Petefry1 July 2012
  • I work in quite a fit office. Most people start and finish beyond core hours so taking a little longer at lunch to exercise isn't a problem. I try to get out for a 40 min run 2 to 3 times a week. Usually a few of us go. We're training for the City to Surf (14ks) in 5 weeks and Tough Mudder (12miles) in September.
  • G'day fellow Aussies! I've been on this site maybe 4 weeks. Sydney born and bred. Currently living in The Hills. Lost 8kgs this year and want to lose another 5 to reach goal. Using MFP with fitbit. Training for City to Surf in 5 weeks. Would be happy for Aussie MFP friends!
  • Just sent you a friend request bowlerbear. I'm also a new MFP member, and just lost a kg so far, but have lost 7 and a bit since end of Jan with FB. Halfway there with another 7 to go. From north west Sydney - Kellyville to be precise. Only a few MPF friends so far and would love some more to accompany on this voyage!…