

  • this. she was probably hungry and didnt want to look bad by eating without you. BTW y'all need to work on your conversation skills. this should have been discussed before you walked in the resteraunt.
  • just wanted to throw in a couple tips for people who are poor and cant afford home gyms. get a pack of tube socks from walmart mens section for about 5 bucks. get a bag of play sand from home depot for about 3 bucks. using your bathroom scale measure out a couple pounds of sand per sock and tie it off however is convenient…
  • there is a web site where you can go view what other women of the size/shape look like called you cant really see a progression but you can get an idea of what you would look like at that height/weight. but please keep in mind every body is different!
  • i suggest eating food that is not 'yummy'. i like to have food in the morning that isn't super tasty like plain oatmeal or grits. the tastier the food is the more likely you are to want more. dont go too bland though, because you dont want to be unable to eat the food at all. i will put a serving of ocean spray craisins in…