ztdavis82 Member


  • I just started Week 4 of Alpha. Such a ridiculous workout. I wear my HRM too and consistently burn 450-550 calories. I'm down about 6 pounds so far and am starting to see some physical results. If nothing else, I at least feel like I'm accomplishing something every day. One thing I love is that, as I get more fit, I'm able…
  • I saw the Couch-to-5K app in there a bunch of times and I would highly recommend it. I've had ongoing chronic knee problems for fifteen or so years and started using the app as a way to slowly ease myself into it. I've used it on and off and repeated and re-repeated weeks, and tried other programs, but I'm up to running…
  • I feel your pain. Did my first round of Weight Watchers at 18. Followed by two more rounds through college. Definitely feel free to add me. Just try to log as consistently and honestly as possible. If you go over one day, you can easily adjust the next. Even two steps forward, one step back is ok, as long as you're moving…
  • I make an open-faced breakfast sandwich: 1 piece of toast (I use Alvarado St. Bakery California Style bread) 1 wedge Laughing Cow Cream Cheese Spread a little Sriracha Sliced cucumber Sliced tomato Sliced onion 1 Jennie-O Turkey Breakfast Sausage Patty scrambled with 2 egg whites Calculates out to 286 calories
  • Back in the day, I used to make these Weight Watchers Applesauce Muffins, which were really good and great for eating on the road. I think this is the recipe: http://www.momcentral.com/blogs/mom-central-food/weight-watchers-applesauce-oatmeal-muffins I also love making an open-faced breakfast sandwich: 1 piece of toast (I…
  • Couldn't have said it better myself
  • Sometimes changing your workout routine is effective. If your body gets used to one way of exercising, it will adjust to perform more efficiently, which is good for it, but not great for weight loss. Oftentimes, shocking your body with a different type of workout will kickstart that burn. If you belong to a gym,…
  • Request sent. Just take it slow and stick with it and you'll be great.
  • Thanks for the feedback. I'll definitely take it slow. Looking forward to trying it though. I've been doing Couch 2 5K and keep getting hurt at Week 7, so at this point, I'm ready to try an alternative. I'll report back once I try it for a while.
  • So Eleisabelle, now that it's been a few months since you started this conversation, did you ever make the transition into barefoot/minimalist running? If so, what has your experience been? I've only been running short distances (3 miles or so) about three times a week and have already been to the doctor with plantar…
  • I completely feel your pain. I'm out of state anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks per month and it's been a gigantic challenge to find easy options. I eat a ton of Subway. Their breakfast flatbreads (with ham and egg whites) are low cal and super filling. Their sandwiches too are a great option - at the very least, you know exactly…
  • Oakland, CA
  • Oakland representing
  • Maybe make one or two training appointments just to get the lay of the land and familiarize yourself with the equipment. Find a morning class you like. And get to it! Once the gym stops feeling so foreign, it may even become a nice place for you to get some respite from the craziness at home.