tjw522 Member


  • Great job losing 65 lbs. Hang in there you can do it :)
    in NEWBIE Comment by tjw522 October 2011
  • MON –Calories Burned: 1000~ Under Fat: yes TUES – Calories Burned: ### ~ Under Fat: Y/N? WED – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat: Y/N? THU – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat: Y/N? FRI – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat: Y/N? SAT – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat: Y/N? SUN – Calories Burned: ## #~ Under Fat: Y/N?
  • So Saturday I used the Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 for WII, I used one of the pre-set workouts. It didn't wear me out so I thought what a waste of money lol. But boy oh boy I felt it yesterday and still today. What an awesome easy start for those like me that haven't been too active in any exercise program.…
  • Thursday weigh in Start weight 255.5 Thursday Oct 14 254.1
  • Lets do it! Name/Username: Tyra/tjw522 Starting Weight: 255 lbs Goal Weight for this Challenge: 235 Goal Weight: 150 Favourite Keep Fit Activities: wii fit plus, walking, cleaning, swimming, yoga Hobbies:school and keeping up with a 4 year old and 12 year old boys.