

  • I have been there right where you are. I am back there now. The only thing I can do is try for today. It's a ****ty cycle. Food is good. Food is love. Hunger sucks. Make a decision to start slow. That's what I am doing. And I can beat myself up more than anyone else. So I feel your pain. Do I over eat? Maybe. But I didn't…
  • I had an *kitten* husband who I divorced and was out lawyered. I almost had to pay this man allimony. At first I lost a ton of weight was working out quite a bit. Then as a single Mom I found myself having to work 65 hours a week to make ends meet as he pays nothing for his kids. So food became my comfort. I weigh more…
  • Hi I just came back after September with a huge weight gain. I hate myself for gaining back all I lost 2 years ago. I was trying to get a grip in September but it didn't last. I am making a committment now. Holidays are here but I can't stand to try on clothes. So I am new I guess. Hi everyone. Leslie