Not new, but everyone quit around me!

I've been using this for about 2 years and I realized today that only about five of my friends are active, and that makes me sad. Now I need new friends who are going to talk to me again because my IRL friends don't care. :p

Short bio: I'm Lucy, a foul mouthed classical musician and student from Philly and I work grave shift in a 24-hour deli across the street from a bar, which leads to many fantastically hilarious stories. I'm not super-serious about fitness -- I don't go to the gym cause I think I burn plenty of calories dealing with drunks all night. I also tend to forget to log and my "cheat days" are more like "I don't care months". I think that junk food IS part of a balanced diet.

But hey, whatever works, right?

So add me if you want (and if you don't mind that I don't know my delts from my glutes or what a zumba is).


  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Request sent :) I'm in the same boat of everyone kinda fading away..
  • SecretlyBatwoman
    SecretlyBatwoman Posts: 79 Member
    Yeah I haven't added anyone in months and months. I was scrolling through my list looking for someone today and I realized nearly everyone's last log in was over a month ago.
  • maostrom
    maostrom Posts: 30 Member
    Sending a FR because you sound chilled out and awesome o: please don't coach me on my ice cream habits ruining my day lol
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    <--- never a quitter so will be around here for a long long long time! LOL
  • raneylfrick
    raneylfrick Posts: 380 Member
    I can't believe how many people are leaving! Tons of my people have left as well....
  • Freedomfromfat91
    Freedomfromfat91 Posts: 11 Member
    hey guys I was doing really well there for a bit but the past 2 weeks I hit a wall and im starting to put on weight again could do with a few friends for motivation!

    Im a 22yr old student living in Scotland atm and wanting to loose weight for graduation, cant stop eating though, Im eating as I type, I will have to behave better tomorrow tehe
  • kristibusque
    kristibusque Posts: 178 Member
    request sent!

    people tend to fade in and out. I think I'm here for the long haul. :)
  • Liss_Bee
    Liss_Bee Posts: 187 Member
    HA! Oh I'm adding you.. sounds like someone who would be fun to have on my friends list. I want funny stories in my life!
  • Lemmynade
    Lemmynade Posts: 160 Member
    About half will be back on Jan 1... Sending a request, mostly for drunk stories.
  • Liss_Bee
    Liss_Bee Posts: 187 Member
    About half will be back on Jan 1... Sending a request, mostly for drunk stories.

    I'm sending you one because you are right across the river from me! LOL!
  • drapisking
    drapisking Posts: 73 Member
    Request sent, i could use some new friends
  • Hi I just came back after September with a huge weight gain. I hate myself for gaining back all I lost 2 years ago. I was trying to get a grip in September but it didn't last. I am making a committment now. Holidays are here but I can't stand to try on clothes. So I am new I guess. Hi everyone.

  • gafs20
    gafs20 Posts: 13 Member
    Request sent :-)
  • tottie06
    tottie06 Posts: 259 Member
    Request sent!