

  • Thank you for the recipe!! This will be a definite to take home for Thanksgiving where everyone gives us a hard time about how we eat. And congrats on your stats for P90x!!! I am in my 5th week Lean. I finally got past a plateau last week and have made it to the 150s! I am the same build as your description. I feel it has…
  • I just recently signed up. Met with my upline and had someone sign up under me already. The support that has poured out in just a few days has been awesome and surprising! I wasn't expecting it. I am not in it to necessarily make diamond or whatever. But I am nutritional educator and therapist. I love working out and…
  • Hi there! I don't know anyone that HASN"T been through a binge! The important thing is ask why you felt that way? Did you eat enough throughout the day? I know when I get to that point, I usually haven't had enough good calories to satisfy me. I pray my way through the binges. But if I do fall, and I do, I just remember…