

  • I have read that the maximum recommended sugar intake in general refers to added sugar rather than sugar naturally found in fruit or other foods. I don't generally use sugar, but I also don't keep track of the grams of sugar from milk, fruit, etc. Is that a bad idea?
  • One cheat day shouldn't derail your diet. Saturday I had a delicious fried fish sandwich and two large ice cream cones. I hadn't had anything fried in a long time so Sunday I stepped on the scale expecting to see some damage, if only from the shock of all that added oil and sodium. Much to my surprise I was down a pound,…
    in OMG KFC! Comment by kkr1010 October 2012
  • I had similar feelings when I went on vacation in July. I intended to log my food on MFP if only to record what I ate as the calories would be a guess at best. But to be honest that only lasted a few days. But I kept to salads and healthier options for the most part, drank a lot of water and walked everywhere. It took a…