

  • I get horrible migraines at least once a week. Since I started eating healthier it has helped a lot because I was getting them more than that. But I do crave bad foods and want to lay around and do nothing on those days. I feel like if I eat more my head will feel better. But I've been trying to keep myself from doing…
  • My boyfriend and I just started Herbalife about two weeks ago. I haven't weighed myself since I started doing it. But my boyfriend lost 6 lbs the first week. Which is saying something since he would sneak off and make his third meal Mcdonalds, I would find twix wrappers on the coffee table, and he won't work out if his…
  • This was so helpful. I didn't even get all the way through the list of shakes before I saw the Cinnabon one. I'm eating it now and feel like my life is more complete. My coach gave me a list of recipes but it didn't have that one on there. Also the Oreo cookie one sounds amazing. I'm going to have to try that. My boyfriend…
  • I am no expert on weight loss. If I was I wouldn't be trying to loss weight now. But I am excellent at research. Don't pay for information you can find for free on the internet. Just look for a .org sight because these will include medical research rather than a mix off good information and false information.…