tvanhooser Member


  • Sounds like you have knees like mine. Have they done an MRI? They never saw anything wrong with mine with just x-rays no matter how many times I told them it hurt (and I have a high pain tolerance so if I say it hurts, it REALLY hurts!!) until they finally did an MRI and found lo and behold, I had a lesion on the cartilage…
  • I was amenorrheal back in the mid-90s when I went off of the pill and started trying to get pregnant. Longest period of no period was 119 days which wasn't very helpful to our goals. It never did go back to normal until after my son was born in 98 and doctors and nurse practitioners, male and female alike, were NOT very…
  • 5'2" Currently 139 and my newest pants (birthday shopping trip in January) are size 10s. Some of them are slightly loose in the waist now but still work. Don't know if I could get into an 8 in pants yet cause I haven't tried. My Easter dress is an 8 that was a big NSV cause I'm headed for 115 and a size 6/8. So…
  • I am 5'2" too and my mom (when she asked me point blank about my goal, cause I'm not doing this for her so I didn't feel it necessary to volunteer the info) thinks 115 is too low too (which I privately find hilarious for my own private reasons!!) However, I figure it this way -- I've checked with several charts and…
  • Well, I had an incident a couple weeks ago with sudden intense abdominal pain and went to the ER when it didn't respond to anti-gas tabs, Tums, rest or a warm bath and turned into a rock hard spot just above my belly button. The ER doctor said that it is a rather common occurrence for people who lose alot of weight and…
  • Well, I was diagnosed with an umbilical hernia by an ER doctor and my own doctor in follow up after an incident a few weeks ago....consult with surgeon on Tues to see what they want to do. But the only things I am greenlighted for at the moment as far as exercise goes is walking and biking. No sit ups, crunches, bending,…
  • I don't have "religion" -- I'm a follower of Christ.
  • Now 25 as of this morning!! Yeah!
  • BOO-YAH for the Fitness Blender shout out!! Kelli and Daniel are awesome.....if anyone is going to have something you could try, it would be them. They have so many videos, all free, all different styles and muscle groups. Just have to find the ones that work for you. They are my go to exercise when I have to stay…
  • Does the bicycle motion hurt it? If not, you could try that. I picked up a functional exercise bike at Salvation Army this week for only $2 because I already had a bum knee and could only do walking, biking, occasional swimming and low-impact aerobics without hurting it. But now I have recently discovered I also have a…
  • I'm going with OP being facetious or sarcastic about this. A 6-week course at the Y does not an expert make...and what would make you fat is buying the 5 dozen pack and eating them all in one go everyday combined with the extent of your exercise being how fast you can get to your couch and click your remote control in…
  • Especially the chocolate ones and the cream filled ones......ha ha :o)
  • My "revenge" for this sort of treatment is to get back to the weight I was when I first was called "fat" but this time to be smart enough to know that that weight is NOT in the least bit fat for my height but right smack dab in the middle of my healthy range. So anyone mess with me at that point or try to criticize or…
  • 26 by my scale, 36.8 by any medical scale I've been on in the last 3 months. I'm going with my scale cause even by the doctor's scale, I will be middle of healthy BMI range when I get there which is all I really want, regardless of what I look like.
  • Sounds yummy. Putting in my recipe file to try.
  • When I got to the point that I found a goal that I wanted more than I wanted to NOT exercise, (to be out of pain from my bad knee), then I just made up my mind that it wasn't even a choice to be made. I would just never ask myself the question of whether I WANTED to do this because wanting to or feeling like it is really…
  • We actually own a Dr. Who Tardis mug and cookie jar, a miniature motorized desktop Dalek and the newest arrival -- a sonic screwdriver universal remote control. Sure -- it's my husband that orders all this fluff but I am the one that programmed the screwdriver cause he couldn't figure out the instructions. It's kind of fun…
  • Not only do I have a list, I have it organized by store section so I can just go straight down the list without wandering all over backtracking all the time. Plus I pre-plan all our dinners, one special lunch (sometimes) and one special weekend breakfast - then check the cupboards and refrigerator/freezer and ingredient…
  • I drink cow milk, put it on my cereal, in's all good....and I do it because I like milk. Simple as that. Actually I drink alot less while I'm losing weight because I don't want to drink up all my calories. But the four of us can easily go through 2-3 gallons per week cause my kids like milk too.
  • It does all the math for me ahead of time, before I ever put anything in my mouth so I don't have to guess if I'm getting it right and hope I don't go over. If there's an unexpected treat opportunity, I can put it in, see how it affects my numbers and decide if it's worth it or not. If not, easy to delete it and try…
  • Yep...THIS!! Especially the "more to me" part!!
  • Between 300-500 usually. Less if it's a light day or more if I've got something unusual going on such as a family hike or a big shopping trip. (No I don't count every quick trip to the store but the once a month that I go and spend 2-3 hours loading up on $200-300 of food and pushing it around in the cart, loading it (have…
  • When it occurred to me about 6 weeks in that I had doubled my weight loss in a fraction of the time when I started exercising and being purposeful and intentional about what I ate rather than casually, kinda sorta not snacking so much, eating smaller portions etc. 23 lbs in 18 months vs. 6 weeks....hmmm! This is working…
  • LOL!! Make a priority 1 announcement if it does!! You could get rich from selling that secret if it was really true!! :laugh:
  • I originally lost the first 23 lbs. just kind of casually watching what I ate -- as in not snacking so much, not taking seconds but not really being intentional or methodical about it or putting alot of thought or effort into it. There was alot more up and down yo -yoing that way and it took ---oh I'd say around 18 months…
  • In my birthday suit after morning elims and sometimes after exercise.
  • I don't know about general universality of that idea for ALL guys, but I did "almost" date a guy in college who said he thought ponytails were sexy. Why??? clue.....he gave the impression of being interested in me very briefly but petered out before anything happened. Then I overheard him talking about the ponytail…
  • Not taking pics but: Height: 5'2" Highest: 229.6 Lost so far: 81.6 according to the ticker CW: 148 GW: 115 (then maintenance between 112-120) So 33 to summer I am praying!! :o) I may not record with pictures but here's my proof: I had already purged my closet last week of everything that just won't stay on me…
  • Never occurred to me that it could be related to weight loss. I had a physical at the beginning of the month and when the nurse went to measure me, I mentioned that we had discovered that I was back to my normal height if I just stand on my good leg since the other one won't fully extend. I've been 5'2" since I was 13 and…