scrmngdsy Member


  • Thanks for the info shortstuff, i'll be using those in the future to track my workouts
  • Last summer I was taking a tbsp of coconut oil every day in water, and I found that it had great benefits. I lost weight while using it and I also used it on my skin and hair and had great results. Moved to Italy for school so I had to give it up for a while but I'm getting back to it this summer. Keep using it! I also…
  • I just started my first day today and am tracking my progress via blog, let me know how it's going for you!
  • I haven't tried the tummy tuck video yet, but i did bum bum and logged it as home calisthenics (light effort). It came in at what was probably under for me, around 117 calories, but i like to estimate my burned calories as lower than they might actually be. After a few google searches I saw some calories (higher) burned…
  • I just graduated in december, and in my senior year alone (stress of writing a thesis, maintaining gpa, etc) I gained a good amount. After finishing, I decided to take some time to work on myself because I had so little time to do it before. Take some time for yourself and keep motivated! You'll see how good it feels to…
  • Thanks for mentioning this! Will watch it today.
  • Here's some motivation: Diet sunkist (and virtually every diet soda) is sweetened with ASPARTAME. Extremely bad for you.
  • Thank you both for your input! I'm in agreement.
  • Why don't you mix in a tbsp of honey instead of using fake sweetener? I usually do that and add a bit of cinnamon and it's delicious.. sorry, just saw that you tried honey. Maybe you're allergic? Perhaps try FAGE brand, it never makes me feel bad.
  • I'm currently living in Rome.. Americans are everywhere. It's not going to matter what you wear because you are going to be automatically understood as a tourist anyway. Just dress as you normally would, feel comfortable, and enjoy it because it's beautiful. Also, it's starting to get REALLY hot here, so bring airy clothes…
  • As an art history graduate and a curvy woman... I appreciate this, a lot!
  • Not exactly sure but I have read that a 90 minute class burns upwards of 1,000 calories Ok, maybe not, just found this: Calories Burned in Hot Yoga Bikram yoga is a fast-moving aerobic exercise, so it does raise your heart rate to a fat-burning level. While you won't burn thousands of calories, you may burn up to 800 or…
  • Allow me to recommend this fantastic salad: it sounded weird at first, but it is ridiculously delicious. I substituted fresh basil for mint because mint is hard to find in Italy.
    in cucumbers Comment by scrmngdsy June 2012
  • Definitely not so small of a victory, the change is super apparent and you look great! Keep up the good work! There's nothing discouraging about those results!
  • If you are PMSing or it's that time of the month you could definitely be retaining water and the scale would show a gain in that case!
  • I find that I have the same problem during my time of the month. The number on the scale shoots up 4 and sometimes 5 pounds, but this is only due to water retention. My best advice to you is to NOT weigh yourself during this week! It can be so discouraging. Make it a habit to not even go near the scale at this time. Just…
  • Your body fat % will change as you lose weight and gain muscle. Try one of these sites to calculate your ideal weight or your healthy weight range: You seem to have a good percentage though, it's definitely normal for a female.
  • First of all, your behaviors are reasonably normal, so I don't think it's fair of her to say "I LET you do these things". You should have that freedom anyway to maintain normal goings on and see your friends as should she without asking the other person's permission. Her behavior, however, sends up several red flags. It's…