Great job! I love you attitude and dedication. I will take a page out of your book whenever I need motivation!
Thank you all for the great comments. I have new ammunition to battle with. Especially adding more veges, fruit, and beans. Thanks again and I will increase my caloric intake and see how that works. I'm off and running...
Hi Jason, Will do and thanks, Debbie
Hi Everyone and Congratulations on your achievements! My goals for the next four weeks are: I want to stay motivated. I want to continue tracking exercise and food using MFP. I want to continue learning from others by their experiences and education concerning diet and exercise. I want to tone, lose weight, and stay…
Thanks, looks like a good site to visit.
Hi, I am 54 and going strong. I have lost 20 pounds and need to keep losing. Its a rough road but I can do it. My body is beginning to shape up and my strength is increasing. I take one day at a time. It didnt take one day to put the weight on and it certainly isnt going to take one day to lose it. We can do this!
I loved becoming a Grandmom. What a difference I found between being a mom and then a Grandmom. I think I have a lot more time to cherish the moments now:smile: then I did when I was raising my own. Congratulations!
I would rather be outside. I have a great park nearby that has an asphalt jogging path. It really absorbs the impact. When I am on the treadmill I lose my balance or I tend to move to close to the front. I do like to watch TV when I am using the treadmill though.
I take: Vitamin C D3 a women's multi calcium