

  • 5'9, 213, size 17. xD I'm gonna change it though!
  • Hi! It's a good thing that you came back. I felt the same why when I first started, but here I am back again too! I've been keeping up for the past 2 weeks and this website really helps! I've lost 21 pounds using this and all the people on here are really supportive. You should add me as a friend so we can motivate each…
  • You need to eat more; and I saw in an earlier comment that you don't put the calories back after you burn them. That's bad. If you eat generally 1200 calories a day, then you burn 700 hundred, that's like eating only 500 calories a day, and your body is starting to starve. Anything less than 1000 a day sets you into…
  • I'm a D now, and I'm overweight. I'm personally TERRIFIED of what's going to happen when I lose all the weight. My boobs are going to be freaking HUGE. >...<