

  • No, I totally didn't get upset by your comment. I thought it was funny! :) To answer your question, no I didn't start eating more at all. I have lost a couple inches off of my waist and my hips. I am definitnely eating at a deficit. Guess I have to just keep plugging away... I am actually wondering if I may need to "up" my…
  • Lol, no I most certainly did not! That makes me feel better when you put it into perspective like that. I am just in such a hurry to drop this weight that any backslide on the scale is discouraging.
  • The calculator that I found said that TDEE is between 2400 and 2600. So, if BMR is 1436 and TDEE is 2400 to 2600, how much should I eat?
  • What is TDEE? My BMR is supposedly 1436 per MFP and 1541 per some other calculators. I have 45 pounds to lose.
  • Thank you. I am getting all of my vitamins, etc. So, I'm good on that front. I tried doing the site as it was intended for several weeks and only lost about a pound and a half over a few weeks. Being someone with a significant amount of weight to lose, I felt that I should be dropping pounds faster than that. Once I bumped…
  • Wouldn't eating at BMR maintain your weight instead of losing? Or are you talking about eatig at BMR level and adding exercise to that? I'm not asking this to be rude, but I am seriously curious. How valuable is "listening to your body"? If I am eating 1200 calories, making it through my workouts fine and not feeling…