

  • Supposedly if you can wait 15 minutes, the craving will fade. Set a timer. Actually, I don't know if this works.
  • HI. I was diagnosed in May, lost 30 lbs and now A1C is normal, down from 10.7 to 6.5. Feel free to add me!
  • Yeah, my hello was pretty sad, too. Only got 1 friend request! Man... Anyhow, feel free to add me, I'm 46, no kids, married, lots of animals, lost 30 lbs and have 50 more to go.I'm also extremely amusing.
  • Hi qbert, I'm 46, and have type 2 diabetes. I started this when I got diagnosed in May. So far I've lost 30 lbs, and my A1C is back to normal. Stopped taking diabetes meds. I've got another 50 lbs to go... Feel free to add me, but be warned- I'm sarcastic as hell and like to comment on everything! Also, I'm very into…
  • HI Tony, I know what you mean about exercise, I hated it, too. AND I can't stand being sweaty in public. Blech. So I did two things that have helped immensely: 1) YOGA. Yoga yoga yoga. Started taking classes (I know, you hate being in public), but in yoga everyone is so blissed out and in their own little world they really…
  • I've been on NutriSystem before, probably 20 years ago. Yeah, I lost the weight, but gained it right back and then some. The problem is you're eating THEIR food, so you have no idea how many calories are in something, how many ounces are in something, etc etc. You never learn HOW to eat. When I did NutriSystem, my favorite…
  • Yoga is incredible, for a million reasons, not just weight! I do yoga about 3x a week for an hour. MFP has calories burned set as 237. I don't know if that's true... how can you tell? I do Iyengar yoga, that's using props like blocks, straps and bolsters. It's a lot of stretching and holding poses. This isn't to say it's…