

  • I'll have to try these if they keep for a week! Once classes start again I don't want to fall into my drive through breakfast again!
  • I am pretty sore today, but I also worked last night which was probably bad timing for the walk on my part haha. I still feel good about it though! Going to take a rest day today and see how I feel tomorrow! :)
  • I work third shift, so I have my diary set up as midnight - 6a, 6a - noon, noon - 6p, and 6p - midnight. I log midnight - midnight. My body doesn't care what time it is getting the calories, as long as it is getting them! Plus, I don't usually follow the normal "breakfast, lunch, dinner" routine. I try to eat SOMETHING in…
  • I usually try to get my sugar cravings taken care of with fruit, or if I HAVE to have something that isn't healthy, I'll go to the grocery store with 3 dollars (and ONLY 3 dollars and my driver's license) and buy a single serve ice cream.. I think Blue Bunny and Hagen-Daz have tiny little containers of their more popular…
  • I've been slacking so far, but I know I can catch up!! :)
  • I have been trying to go for a walk right after work. I find that if I do that, I can take as long of a walk as I want, and I sleep better than when I don't. The only problem is with the long hours I usually work, I don't always have the motivation to go right after work! (I'm also on my feet all night, so sometimes that's…
  • Is anything particularly stressful going on in your life? I tend to crave the "comfort" foods more then. Also, when it's coming up to that time of the month.
  • I don't usually follow set meal times. Instead I have my food diary set up into four sections. 12a-6a. 6a-12p. 12p-6p. 6p-12a. I don't always stay up at night when I am off work, so this way I just put whatever I eat into each time accordingly. The only rule I have for meal times is that I make sure I eat something in each…
  • I am definitely coming back to this thread a lot! I have been dying to try making my own sauces!!
  • Sounds great! Thanks for sharing! :)
  • This sounds delicious! I'll have to try to remember to make this for my vacation in a week and a half! Thanks for sharing! :)
  • I'm from the Waukesha area! :)
  • Saving this to try next week! Thanks!
  • I just had this today with an apple! Yum!
  • Not sure what to tell you as far as calories added for frying.
  • When I had my first gym membership. I used to go late at night so no one was there. (It was a 24 hour gym.) One of the first times I went, there was a girl there on her phone. I was tying my gym shoes, and had my headphones in. She didn't know I could still hear her, and was on the phone talking about how I was fat, and it…
  • I love lemon water, but since it isn't really easy to carry lemons around with me, I've been using True Lemon. I also use True Lime when I need to mix it up. Anyone else try these? It's so handy to be able to throw a handful in my purse and take them along wherever I go! Especially considering the water at my work has a…
  • I'm in!! I'm going to aim for 50 and see if I can get more! :) And people can add me as a friend too, if they want! Just mention that you saw me in the challenge thread!!!
  • That's around what most of my meals are if I'm not doing a lot of snacking through the day. 3 meals would put you at 1200-1500 calories with no snacks. If you work out, you can eat back those calories as snacks if you're still hungry! If I have a day that has a lot of snacking, I'll have 200-300 calorie meals, which would…
  • I work third shift, and they like to change my hours around a little bit so I don't always have consistent bedtimes or wakeup times. Plus, I change when I sleep based on what is going on for the day. Instead of meal times, I log into a 12a-6a, 6a-12pm, 12pm-6pm, 6pm-12a. If I am up all night, at midnight I log for the next…
  • The only way I stick to my goals is by planning. I work third shift, so planning for 2-3 days in advance is amazing! If I plan for a whole week, I tend to get too bored with my food.
  • A few years ago now, I had a meeting with a personal trainer. He asked what my goals were, and took a measurement of my shoulders and my wrists. He said that with my frame, 200lbs would most likely be in an athlete level BMI. (Assuming I did weights like I intend, and not just got skinny fat.) I'm 5'10" by the way. Because…
  • I have tried both, and calorie counting works easier for me than points. I can't always access the info I need to figure out the points of something, but calories I can do. (I'm not at a point where I am getting picky about the macros.) I say, whatever works for you, go for it. If you want to try MFP, I would go for it for…
  • I'm also a night shifter! I do alright at work now that I pack salads and snacks to go with me, but my off nights are the roughest, if I stick to that sleep schedule. It certainly makes things more difficult!
  • Sometimes not indulging a little makes it harder. If you really want that sliver of cake, have it. Just watch the portions. The more I deny myself something I want. the worse I binge on it down the road. If I behave and have just a little bit of something, it satisfies my craving and I can move on without dwelling on it.…
  • I've read about people cold brewing their coffee overnight in the fridge, but I don't have the fridge space, since I share my fridge with 2 other people. Instead, I have an ice cube tray that I fill with cold coffee and freeze. Then I either make coffee earlier than I plan to drink it, and let it cool. Add the ice cubes,…
  • Molly is Monster, and Patches was Goose. Smokey is generally called Goofball or Silly Dog.. sometimes Lover Dog because he makes googly eyes at me.
  • Also, I've found that if I make sure I eat SOMETHING within every 6 hour period of time, I don't find myself scarfing everything in sight and I can make healthier choices. I don't get a break at work, but I do make sure to sneak a snack in even if it's busy. There is no way management can reprimand me for getting something…