

  • which convention do you plan to go as her? I'm trying to put together a claymore group cosplay and I don't have a Clare yet. :(
  • This may actually sound a bit silly, but the dream cosplays i have are Skarlet from Mortal Kombat Justine from Shadows of the damned Jubei Yagyu from Samurai Girls (and a new one) Teresa from Claymore the silly part is as the reason why most of them are my dream cosplays
  • it's ok, just happy it didn't go to waste. I'll just have to make even more next time. and be able to bring my sukiyaki pot for sukiyaki! :)
  • Last time I was at a con (Anime Central) I ended up preparing a fruit salad the day before going. And everyone in the hotel room ate it all... I didn't even get a strawberry slice... :(
  • I completely agree. The whole reason for a person to cosplay/crossplay is to express yourself, and to show love to the character. I have an overweight cousin and she can pull off a great white mage from Final Fantasy! It's not for those who criticize others on their cosplays. Me personally, if someone was rude to me about…