

  • ^^^This. Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe is a great book, filled with tons of useful information all in one easily accessible place. Stronglifts 5x5 is really nothing more than a tweak on Starting Strength and Glenn Pendlay's 5x5, and Mehdi (the guy behind Stronglifts 5x5) readily admits as much. If you read Mehdi's…
  • To echo what others have said..."lifting 'heavy'" means lifting heavy for YOU! I'm a guy who will start "lifting heavy" in the next few weeks, and I just ordered...a 5kg (that's 11 pounds) "training" barbell to start off. That's right, my wife and I will be squatting and pressing starting at 11 pounds. Eleven. On the…
  • I have a few quotes that are along those lines: "The moment that one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves, too." Another few that I say are "If you look for obstacles, you'll find them" and "If you think you CAN'T do something, you'll be correct." Having "the right attitude" is no guarantee of success...but…
  • Well, right there, you do realize that there's a difference between the type of training done by bodybuilders vs. that done by powerlifters vs. that done by weightlifters doing olympic style lifts, correct? Granted, at the novice level (and hey, I'm a novice as well) almost anything is better than sitting in front of the…
  • fitnessman197 wrote: "yes i know you was but as you was saying and yes quoting from that site its your site you use I use a number of sites and yes they all state different things .. Dean ash. Neale cranwell And a lot of others say different things but i dont quote what they say i take from all of them .. and using the…
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