ctroendle Member


  • Thank you! Definitely trying this :)
  • Yes! This (and a lot of the others posting here) sound a lot like me. I had limited success with other diets in past, but nothing like the success I've had with doing low carb recently - about a month for me. I used to be a huge sugar-person, but I look at sweets now and other refined sugars and I don't even want to eat…
  • It sounds like your 'friend' just wants to stiff you; it seemed pretty clear that they understood they'd be paying the full amount if they stated they'd give half now half later. Maybe they're embarrassed about not being able to afford it, but they were not obligated to go through with the order after you told them the…
  • I've been doing low carb for about a month now and it's working excellently for me. I lost 40 pounds before I started using MFP, and I had success with simply eating less and exercising more. However, I did not get results nearly as quickly as I am getting them now, and I FEEL so much better as well. MFP is suggesting 1200…