What's wrong with people?

cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
So I have recently started my own baking business. A good friend from work ordered a birthday cake for his mom a few weeks ago. He was the first person who actually talked to me when I started working here over 2 years ago and we have become pretty good friends. I know that due to some personal issues he doesn't really have a lot of money. When he asked me to make the cake, he asked what I would charge for the size and type of cake he was looking for. I told him the amount, $50. He asked if he could pay me $25 the day he picked it up, and $25 today, which is our next payday after he picked up the cake. For people I don't know, I wouldn't have done this. But since we're friends and I know he's in a tough financial situation, I told him as long as he had the full $50 to me by today that would be fine. He promised he would. So he picks the cake up and says he didn't stop to get cash and doesn't have a checkbook, can he pay me Monday at work? I say sure, Monday rolls around and he gives me $10. Today rolls around and he tells me he doesn't have the other $40 for the cake. It's really frustrating because this happens to me with people too much! That is why when I started this business I decided to stick to my prices even if it were friends ordering, because I am trying to run a successful business. When I first started, my fiance's sister thought I'd be making things for her kids birthdays and school functions for free all of the time. I know it's only $40, but to my fiance and I right now $40 is a lot. We are getting married in 22 days and could use that money towards wedding related things. We also live paycheck to paycheck and this baking thing on the side helps to cover wedding costs. When I asked the guy at work about it he laughed it off and said I didn't think you were serious about that much money come on we're friends isn't $10 enough? Seriously? I'm so frustrated I could just scream!


  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    I would tell him that you gave him a fair price and you are also living paycheck to paycheck and planning a wedding, so every dollar is needed. Plus, he should understand that since he is your good friend. It is hard, but he needs to pay you the difference. Sorry, good luck.
  • ctroendle
    ctroendle Posts: 4 Member
    It sounds like your 'friend' just wants to stiff you; it seemed pretty clear that they understood they'd be paying the full amount if they stated they'd give half now half later.

    Maybe they're embarrassed about not being able to afford it, but they were not obligated to go through with the order after you told them the price. It's your call whether you want to get the money or keep the 'friendship,' but if they support you they wouldn't try selfish things like that.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    How rude! Exactly why you have to stick to your pricing and policies of payment with EVERYONE! No exceptions! That way, there can be no problems like this.
  • that is so BS! People shouldnt take advantage of you. I know how it feels too b/c I run a business myself and i have a friend that ordered something on home direct and she doesnt have a checking account so she asked if i could do it through mine and she would pay me. Well I agreed to it because i really want to help her a lot. I want her to benefit from this product she is purchasing because she has health issues and this will help her with her weight. Anyway... she asked me last month if she could pay me in installments weekly on the total because she doesnt have it at once plus her husband is being resistant to the idea. I went to buy a phone from them for my husband's bday and thought she might give me a cut because she owed me money and that didnt happen. I paid the full price she was asking for it. She still owes me money, needless to say..
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    He is not a friend. He has taken advantage of your good nature.

    If he only had $25 to spend he should have bought a $25 cake.

    I would let it go. It's only a small amount of money. He knows what he did to you. He will probably never ask you for another cake.
  • You may want to think about half down when they order, then the other half on pickup. That should solve most of the issues. If they don't want to pay the deposit you don't waste your time or ingredients!

    Good luck with your new business!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Did you learn your lesson?
  • HollyLLillis
    HollyLLillis Posts: 113 Member
    Sad but true, people are like that and I hate to say it but friends and family (at least for me) can be the worst. It's happened to me before too.. I'd ask for the money first then they get the product....
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Having a small photography business, simply put, business is business and payment is due at time of the transaction. Now, being your friend, you could of given him a discount, but payment would still be due at time of transaction.

    I have done exactly what you have in the past and it has bitten me more than once. From experience, it is best to keep friendship and business practices separate and treat everyone equally.

    Hope this helps.
  • kellieprindle
    kellieprindle Posts: 69 Member
    People suck!! They will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today!!

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  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    I believe Ann Landers used to say time and time again: "No one can take advantage of you unless you Let them"

    Consider it a lesson learned for future reference.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Unfortunately, people do that a lot. If you want to really see how bad it can get, check out web design forums (a lot of people seem to think that because it's not a tangible object they can pick up and hold, then it's not worth anything or didn't take any work). It's sad that people do that, but it's reality.

    My advice for you is to require no less than half up front, before you start any kind of work, no matter who it is. If they don't like it, politely explain to them that it's your policy for everyone and that it helps cover the costs of the supplies (or whatever reasoning you want to use). If necessary, also don't turn over the product until you've received the other half of your payment (though this might not work as well for you as it does in my field, since your product has a shelf life, but it might serve as incentive to your customers to pay you promptly).

    In my experience, this is standard policy for freelancers in general, because that way, the risk is split between the buyer and the seller - you have a guaranteed half of your money in your hand when you start work, so if the person skips out on paying you, you haven't lost completely; it also mitigates some of the risk the customer takes on (from hiring you as a service provider), because if you were to skip out and not deliver the product, they've only lost half of what they would have had they paid you in full (it's really not as cynical as it might sound).
  • jimswife1
    jimswife1 Posts: 42 Member
    If he couldn't afford the cost, he should have baked a cake at home. People need to stop attempting to live beyond their means, especially when it affects your bottom line. Some things you just can't purchase on credit!

    You need to stick with your bottom line, point blank. Now if at some time you want to give price breaks, do something for repeat customers, like after so many purchases, give a price break of 5-10$. I'm sorry you were taken adavantage of. Many friendships have ended over money. You provided a service and deserve to be paid.
  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    You have to stick to your guns no matter who the person is. No special treatment even for friends. This is a lesson my boyfriend has experienced in his own business as well. He works on cars for people and this one guy seems to think that he is over charging him and tries to bargain with him! Finally the guy called to get a quote and it was more than double what my boyfriend was charging him!

    People seem to think that they can take advantage because they know you. You need to tell that guy that you did him a favor and you were promised payment by the time he recieved the product and he didn't follow through and that he needs to make it right.
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    He is not a friend. He has taken advantage of your good nature.

    If he only had $25 to spend he should have bought a $25 cake.

    I would let it go. It's only a small amount of money. He knows what he did to you. He will probably never ask you for another cake.

    I agree with you 100%!!!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    ugh..thats all i can say without totally ranting FOR you..im sorry you had to deal with that, my family has dealt with many " friends" like that..the disadvantage of having a kind heart. we once gave our "friends" about $300 worth of money and items when they were about to be evicted from their apartment, and the minute i needed $5 from them for gas, i got called a *****, and the door slammed in my face..on top of that, after we moved out, we had to leave our truck at the apartments filled with stuff from christmas, mostly my kids toys, and they broke into our truck and took it all for their bratty kids..that was 6 years ago, but i am still pissed off about it..unfortunately it happens, and there is really nothing you can do about it..good luck
  • jtbaddison
    jtbaddison Posts: 134 Member
    You've learned that under no circumstances can you trust this person, and that information only cost you $40. Some people pay more dearly for that info. If you can "write it off" and erase the debt from your mind, you won't have to bother about shaking him down for money, which I assure you he has no intention of paying.
  • cbratthauer
    cbratthauer Posts: 228 Member
    I have decided that from now on, half down is due at the time the order is placed, the other half at the time of pick up. If they don't have the other half when they pick the cake up, they don't get to take the cake with them.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    You may want to think about half down when they order, then the other half on pickup. That should solve most of the issues. If they don't want to pay the deposit you don't waste your time or ingredients!

    Good luck with your new business!

    Absolutely! In fact, I would insist on 75% down, 25% before you hand over the cake. If anyone balks, tell the story you just told here and tell them it's happened several times. They will then understand. Stick to your guns...friends and family too! This is a BUSINESS, not a charity, right?
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    I have decided that from now on, half down is due at the time the order is placed, the other half at the time of pick up. If they don't have the other half when they pick the cake up, they don't get to take the cake with them.

    good for you..i hope you have better luck