mikaelmckendrick Member


  • It looks like we are about the same body type. I'm 5'7, 140, athletic build. 1200 cal per day (without exercise) is a reasonable goal. You are going to need to up it to 1350 if you are doing fat burning cardio. A heart rate monitor, like the Garmin FR70 is the ideal. It tells you what fat burning zone you are in (as…
  • On a side note, due to the high fat that is allowed in the SB diet, make sure you have your MD check your labs before you start and during. If you are obese and have a family history of heart disease this may not be the diet that is best for you.
  • I lost 12 lbs in 15 days on this diet. While it's a quick fix, unless you are EXTREMELY dedicated, it's difficult to sustain. I did this and then the Paleo diet (I had an event to attend). Bottom line: It was HORRIBLE! It all goes back to "everything in moderation." Limiting yourself to certain foods and having a list of…