Just 20 lbs..... I started 3 days ago

Is it going to be terribly difficult?
I started watching what I eat 3 days ago. So far so good. My first surprise was how little is the amount of food I can eat to stay at 1200 calories... Nearly impossible. I never realized I was overeating. I have to admit that I have been very hungry for the past 3 days... today I went over by more 400 cal .
Oh well, nice to meet you all! :flowerforyou:


  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Is it going to be terribly difficult?
    I started watching what I eat 3 days ago. So far so good. My first surprise was how little is the amount of food I can eat to stay at 1200 calories... Nearly impossible. I never realized I was overeating. I have to admit that I have been very hungry for the past 3 days... today I went over by more 400 cal .
    Oh well, nice to meet you all! :flowerforyou:

    1200 calories is just the minimum, I'd eat more if I were you! No reason to be hungry :)
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement :) well, I don't plan on killing myself... especially with Christmas around the corner... but eventually I would love to feel slim again!
  • smileyII
    smileyII Posts: 37 Member
    I have been on for ~ a week, and I had to change by calorie goal to 1500 because I consume 1500-1800/day and 1200 was just not working for me. If you can do it; go for it!!
  • 1200 - Yeah that is very hard to start off at, I would usually start yourself at about say 2000 or around 1800 cals a day; You can always adjust your goals later if you feel that you don't like the way things are going, but you don't want to go from zero to sixty in such a short amount of time. Also, the things you eat like bread etc. will always effect you.
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    Hmm, well, if you only have 20 lbs to lose, it'll take you a bit longer :)
    I took just over 2 months to lose 21 lbs, but then that's only half of what I need to lose ;)

    Adjust your calories to what works for you ^__^ If you're hungry all the time and then end up bingeing, then it's counter-productive.
  • stacey062909
    stacey062909 Posts: 27 Member
    I calculated my calorie count for my age, weight, height, and exercise level.
    After that, I took that calorie count and calculated my macro nutrient intake for protein, carbs and fat.
    You can go under goals and do a custom goal instead of the recommended.
    I started of really, really hungry all the time, and now I'm satisfied and usually full.
    I will warn, however, that everytime you lose weight you need to recalculate all of the above.
    I've done this three times already.

    Much luck to you!
  • Hello, Today is my first day using the site. I too started charting what I ate. I am finding that it is the end of the day and I am still hungry. However, I know if I better planned this would not be the case. I tend to drink my calories, for instance my coffee. If I hadn't had my high caloric coffee I would be ok to have a snack before bed. My goal right now is to lose 20 pounds but bare minimum not to gain anymore weight!!! I have put on 20 pounds in the last couple of months and I am seeing its from just eating whatever I want (this usually involves chocolate). So I need to get more disciplined.
  • stacey062909
    stacey062909 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, Today is my first day using the site. I too started charting what I ate. I am finding that it is the end of the day and I am still hungry. However, I know if I better planned this would not be the case. I tend to drink my calories, for instance my coffee. If I hadn't had my high caloric coffee I would be ok to have a snack before bed. My goal right now is to lose 20 pounds but bare minimum not to gain anymore weight!!! I have put on 20 pounds in the last couple of months and I am seeing its from just eating whatever I want (this usually involves chocolate). So I need to get more disciplined.

    I'm not sure what all you like in your coffee, I personally love a little coffee with my creamer. But I have found to keep the calories down in my coffee I use Truvia as my sugar substitute (No calories and sugar free!) and get fat free creamers. Or you can use 2% milk. I also have a coworker that opts out of using creamer and gets a piece of dark chocolate to sweeten her coffee instead of sugar.
  • Look up 300 cal meals and eat 5 times a day...works a lot better that way.
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member
    If you get some exercise in, you can eat back some of your calories. That is what I do. My goal is set to 1200, but when I eat back my exercise calories for the day I usually eat between 1300-1500 calories a day.
  • itsdan123
    itsdan123 Posts: 2 Member
    When I started out my goal was 1800cal/day and I had a lot of trouble keeping under it, but you adjust. Now I occasionally do a 1200 calorie day just because I fee like I can handle it, and I rarely go over my daily limit unless I'm actually indulging in something. I would say if you started out on the 2lb/week setting to consider starting on 1lb/week and then upping it once you've adjusted to the lower intake.
  • Side note-eat a lot more protein to stay fuller longer.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I only had 10lbs to lose-took me 10 weeks (1 lb per week) I was very diligent.

    good luck and welcome
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    If you want more food for 1200 calories add more vegetables...they are low in calories.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Get rid of the Doritos - they are just a waste of calories. If you pop popcorn, it's like 35 calories per cup. There are tons of other snacks that are also lower. FYI - I don't bother drinking my calories. Eating them is way better and more enjoyable. Also, veggies are really low in calories and so are berries. It's like 35 calories for a cup of strawberries or 50 calories for an entire bell pepper. I would start looking at increasing veggies be it by sauteing them or roasting them in the oven and it should help.

    Oops. I forgot to mention - eating more protein seems to keep the hunger at bay. I tend to eat protein sources like nuts but you'll want a scale to weigh them so you don't overeat. They do make a difference. You can also go for a walk and earn some calories and enter it here. :) That always helps.
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Good place to start to find out how many calories you should be eating is:


    Good look on your journey
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I started in January last year @ 344 and am now approximately 229. In a little under 12 months, I have lost 115 lbs and have gone from size 48 loose fit pants to size 32 loose fit pants (in some styles). Yet, I would not so much say it is hard as I would say it requires commitment. I would say also that if you find 1200 cals hard to do (and that is pretty low), add in exercise. By increasing your activity level, it allows you to eat more and still maintain a net amount of calories in the desired goal range. You can do it.. just commit to it. I can say the destination is well worth the journey (well, I assume it is since I am close but not quite there)... best wishes on your journey. Don't give up.
  • It looks like we are about the same body type. I'm 5'7, 140, athletic build. 1200 cal per day (without exercise) is a reasonable goal. You are going to need to up it to 1350 if you are doing fat burning cardio. A heart rate monitor, like the Garmin FR70 is the ideal. It tells you what fat burning zone you are in (as opposed to just burning sugar, so you don't waste your time) your HR, calories burned, etc. Good luck to you in your weight loss goals!
  • sarahd1223
    sarahd1223 Posts: 1 Member
    20 pounds is my goal also. :) Don't feel bad though about straying. I've been so up and down with this thing. 1200 is really hard to do I've also found, but if you can find healthy snacks that are low in calories like fruit and almonds it helps get you by for less calories. I work in a restaurant so I've been going insane but stealing saltines when I just can't fight it anymore. lol. Fruit is probably the better way to go. Oh and water. Drink lots and lots of water. That has been helping me also. I'm feeling like bladder is the size of my grandma's but it helps hold me over because a lot of the time I'm really just thirsty. Well good luck to you! You'll be able to do it! :)
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    I want to thank all of you for the warm welcome and all the good advice!
    I didn't expect this many responses and help .... :)
    Yes, in general I eat healthy, except few times when I stray..... usually the week of PMS if you ladies know what I mean....
    As for the Doritos.... I haven;t eaten any chips in at least 3 weeks.... it was awfully difficult to count 19 chips ( 50g ) and stop... leave the entire giant bag alone.....
    Also because of my religion ( I am Christian Orthodox), I have to fast about 2-3 times a week - this means eat vegan , no product that contains something from an animal - and in those days I just cannot get enough protein. And I am hungry all the time.
    For start I decided not to touch any bread, white rice, things with added sugar.... ( except chocolate).
    Will see how it goes :)
    Nice to meet you all... as mentioned in my profile I don't do "facebook" and those things, I don't know how to add friends here or be "social" , but if you ask I know how to click the "accept " button :)
    And yes, I know, I must be the last person in the worlds that isn't on facebook.... but this is something like that, I think?