

  • I go to Goodwill. The ones in my area purchase new goods as well as getting donations. I can buy new clothes from Target and other stores for a fraction of the price!!! LOVE it!!
  • Love it!! And it's one of those you can dress up with a little shrug if you want!!
  • "ITeachinjen~~ I've tried everything, my body just doesn't absorb it....Just frustrating!" Has your hematologist suggested further testing? My number was down to a 3, and it would not go up. I was doing straight, 5 hour iron infusions and nothing helped. I was close to being hospitalized due to the number decreasing. This…
  • Thank you! And thank you for the friend requests!! I can always use more :o) I love having all the support !!
  • I'm a professional baker/cake decorator and understand where you're coming from. I bake ALL the time! I bake so much, though, that I can't stand to eat anything I bake!! LOL When I owned a bakery the thought of donuts, buttercream and cake made me sick to my stomach. BUT, others don't feel that way in my home. They eat and…
  • I've been wondering this, too. I have issues with CRAVING proteins ALL the time!! I have some medical issues with very low iron {so low, I've had to have straight 5 hour iron infusions}. This has hopefully been remedied by a surgery I had to stem some extreme internal bleeding. But, now as I'm building my iron levels back…