

  • What a great story! Congrats!
  • I loved reading your story especially the part where you say you struggle but you keep working out and eating right! Congrats and keep it up!
  • I'm in my last week of Insanity and it is intense! I did P90X three times in a row before I attempted Insanity.
  • I've done P90X 3 times and have never used a pull up bar. I use a band with a door attachment. Good luck with it and remember to modify the moves to suit you!
  • Wow! Congrats, that is really a great accomplishment!
  • I just got a Polar FT40 and I love it. I never thought I would like wearing the chest strap but you totally forget it is even there.
  • Awesome! P90X and Beachbody Coaches are the best!
  • Love Shakeology!! Good luck with the cleanse! I haven't tried it yet but a lot of my beachbody pals have gotten great results from it.
    in Shakeology Comment by BethG39 April 2011
  • Ooh! I've been wanting to buy a juicer since I read "Crazy Sexy Diet"! Haven't taken the plunge yet!
  • I love it! I just had a chocolate Shakeology w/ almond milk, banana and pineapple for lunch. I find them to be really filling and I'm always at a loss of what to have for lunch so these are great. Shakeology is "real food" ~ there is nothing fake in it! Nutritionally they contain vitamins, minerals, protein, amino acids,…
    in Shakeology Comment by BethG39 March 2011
  • I know exactly what you mean!! Sugar is my #1 vice but I did a cleanse a few months ago that really helped me with that craving. During the cleanse we didn't have any caffeine, animal products, gluten, alcohol, or sugar for 30 days and the hardest part for me was the sugar. If I'm having a sugar craving I don't find that…
  • Thanks for the advice! I'm finishing up this round of P90X in three weeks and then I'm going to start Insanity. I'm sure I'm going to get my butt handed to me too!
  • Ooh! Trying on bathing suits sucks!! I've always been told the best way to get rid of love handles is to be really good with diet and do cardio. You can do ab exercises all day but you won't see your abs if there is too much fat covering them. That's been my strategy with abs ~ I've been working out for about nine months…
  • I used to put splenda in my coffee w/ skim milk. Now I use So Delicious Coconut Milk Creamer in the Vanilla flavor. The Vanilla gives it that little bit of sweetness that I like.
  • All you need is the basic P90X package that Beachbody sells for $119.95. Then go to sports authority or target and get a yoga mat, some hand weights, and a resistance band w/ a door attachment. I'm in my 3rd round of P90X and that's all I've been using. I'm still not able to do a pull up so I use a resistance band w/ a…
  • I use a HRM to track calories burned during P90X. Congrats on starting ~ it's awesome ~ I'm in my third round!
    in P90X Comment by BethG39 March 2011
  • Great job! I know what you mean about lifting weights ~ that's my favorite part of P90X! Have you considered Chalean Extreme? There's weight training in it whereas Insanity is just cardio. I'm about to finish my 3rd round of P90X and then I'm going to do Insanity. Continued Success! Beth