

  • Hi new to group. Wondering if anybody out there who is hypo and just turned 50 or started to notice weight gain at 45 been battling rapid weight gain? My bloodwork is "normal"according to my dr but I know when I am not feeling normal and gaining 8 pounds in one month is not normal for a clean eater. I was going to the gym…
  • Hi, may I ask what your natropath suggest?
  • Ask your Dr. to check your T3 levels. Typically they just test T4. My blood work kept showing normal but I knew I felt horrible and read a great book called the Thyroid Solution which explained about low T3 levels that represent severe depression and fatigue. After testing my T3 we found the levels low and added a second…
  • Jennibaby85 May I ask what meds your taking and your age? I have hypo thyroid and take 2 meds and haven't been able to lose weight for 4 years now and my Dr. blames it on hormones since my blood test are normal. Thoughts? I am 49, will be 50 in March and still have my normal period.