
  • GET RID OF THEM, AND NEVER LOOK BACK. Keep you eye on the prize of smaller sizes, feeling healthier and looking good.
  • Earlier in this post someone mentioned about weighing everyday. I also weigh myself every morning. I can't wait to see if I have either lost weight or need to work more diligently for the new day. I use to wake up thinking and obsessing about what I was going to eat. I now focus on smaller clothes, meal planning, being…
  • Dear amioc, first please know that you are not alone with losing weight and keeping it off. It takes times and patience. I am 68-years-old, been on every diet out there throughout the years. I have lost and I have gained it back. As of July of 2020 I was unable to walk without assistance with a cane and heading towards the…
  • Congratulations. There are many stories out there of the rewards of taking better care of ourselves. We deserve it. It is hard work, but you persevered and was rewarded. Keep up the good work. Also, encouraged by my orthopedic surgeon to lose 100 lbs. Only one more pound to make that goal. I still have a way to go to reach…
  • noticeable difference. Keep up the work/lifestyle!
  • What a beautiful couple. How was it doing your weight loss as a couple. Bet you helped each other along the bumpy times! Your before and after pictures look like two different couples. You both look stupendously healthy and happy. Congratulations.
  • Connie, thank you for speaking up for us mature ladies (I'm 68), and I have lost 97 lbs. since July 2020. We are never too old to take care of ourselves. Congratulations, and I know you will make it to your goal. Just like I know I will.
  • Fantastic transformation. You were beautiful in your before picture, but you now look drop dead hollywood glamorous. Congratulations. Are your prostheses now too large for your new body? You have set me back on my path to continue on my fitness lifestyle. Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventure with us.
  • I am 3 lbs. away from losing 100 lbs. since July 2020. I have been plateauing something awful, but I will keep at it. That's my first mini goal. The 2nd one is to reach One-derland. I am 23 lbs. from that number. Hoping by this fall to get there.
  • jonipecson, it is usually your family who can be more brutal than friends/acquaintances. I gave my family members a choice. I told them that if my new eating habits bothered them so much they never have to share a meal with me again or just not say anything to me about it. They have learned to keep their comments to…
  • I have been reading this post over and over for several days, and I am still getting ANGRY about how you were treated by someone who should understand the challenges anyone trying to lose weight has to encounter. I feel you should not be ashamed in what you have to do to stay focused on your healthy lifestyle goals. You…
  • Things that I have noticed about myself since losing 97 lbs. is 1. The water in the bath tub now "freely" flows around my hips. Before it was like the Hoover Dam holding back the Red Sea. No movement at all! 2. Not having to move the car seat back of my friend's car when I drove. 3. Having to get a new office chair,…
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you springlering62. You made my day even brighter. God bless you.
  • UPDATE: Had my follow up appointment on 4/14/21. The Dr. was shocked and ecstatic about my weight loss. He told me that he wish he could keep me in the office for the day to talk to his other patients about how I lost the weight (IF and MFP). He was so please he said that even though I do have arthritis in both my knees,…
  • The smiles tells the story, even if you are running. Congratulations
  • Unbelievable transformation. I am so happy for your results. Keep up the fantastic work! You earned it all by yourself.
  • You are to be congratulated on your progress. Not every day is going to be sunshine and staying on track. There will be days with lumps in the road. I also keep a daily record in my calendar of my daily weights and measurements at the beginning of the each month. At the end of each month I do a review, and am amazed of the…
  • Fabulous for you!!!! I have so many sizes in my closet. Don't know why I've been hoarding them all these years. Yes years. I have sizes from 28 to 16. I have lost 95 lbs. since July 2020. I have boxed up all the larger sizes (28 to 22), and donated them to the Goodwill. People think I am spending a lot of money on new…
  • Just consider the source. Probably jealous. I had a "close" friend tell me I was never going to reach goal (140 lbs.) I had lost 90 lbs. at the time. A little evil voice in my head said "JUST WATCH ME". You know what you want to do for your own body and how. We all will just show those doubters. It really is not any of…
  • You are amazing stuman74. I am currently at 190 days, and am surprised I stuck it out this long. I know that MFP has helped me lose the 95 lbs. since July 2020. It really does work if you take the time out for yourself. Thanks for sharing. You picture looks amazing. Can you share any larger ones here. I love to see your…
  • Congratulations on your "discoveries". Your granny is smiling down at you. Keep up the good work. It may not be easy at times, but in the long haul you will benefits with a healthier outlook on life. I've been there, done it. Down 95 lbs. since last July. You can do it too!
  • I started my journey at the end of July after seeing my Orthopedic Surgeon for double knee replacements. He said he wouldn't do any surgery until I lost 100 lbs. Looking back at my calendar where I documented my weight everyday, I lost a total of 47 lbs. the first three months. I am now down, as of today, 96 lbs.
  • I am so happy for your success and overcoming such medical obstacles. God bless you on your continued weight loss journey. You look beautiful.
  • People are starting to notice my weight loss (95 lbs. since 7/16/20). Yesterday the cashier at the convenience store where I get gasoline looked at me with a concerned look on her face. She commented "I haven't seen you around for a while, have you been ill, you look very thin". I told her I stopped eating fast food and…
  • Love your post and your costume. Keep up the awesome work. You can do it!
  • I get you, I'm also going through this phase. I have about 6 different sizes in my closet and am getting rid of or donating lots of things as soon as they get too big for me to wear. What a great feeling.
  • I did a double take when I saw your after picture. You are a dead ringer for my nephew who is a professional body builder on the east coast. You look fantastic, keep up the good HARD work.
  • You are my "hero of the day". I am 4 lbs. away from losing 100 lbs. since 7/16/20. I know how you feel, and KNOW you will reach your final goal. Your words of wisdom in your post have resonated with my soul, I feel as though we are kindred spirits. Continued success on your journey. You have a friend/comrade in the quest…
  • Thank you for posting back to me. I do appreciate your helpful information. What is the name of the plant based blogger. I am not 100% plant base eating, but I am doing more now. I feel that it is helping me to continue losing weight. (319 to 223 lbs. so far). My knees do feel much better. I have been doing knee…
  • UPDATE: As of today I have lost a total of 95 lbs. I think I'm going to make that goal of 100 lbs. to lose by 4/14/21.